Banking & Insurance
3000+ Mock tests
- All Major Bank/Insu Mock Tests
- All Major SSC/Railway Mock Tests
- All Subjects Ebooks
- Validity 12 Months
- Test Batchs are not included
Most of the aspirants in our country are simultaneously preparing for the multiple competitive exams such as Banking, Railways, SSC, etc. Our experts have analyzed various factors such as the previous year exam level, latest trend, etc. to create the best quality online mock test series. In this competitive environment, only talented people can succeed. So, mock test practice is much needed to become a winner in your dream exams.
Salient Features:
Here are some salient features of the Crack with Jack online mock test series.
- Follows the latest exam patern and the updated syllabus topics for all exams.
- Sectional tests to boost your marks in each section.
- Topic tests to obtain sound knowledge in individual topics.
- 200+ sectional tests for practice are available for bank exams alone.
- Detailed answer key for all questions.
- Update new pattern of questions as per the trend.
Here are the advantages of the Crack with Jack online mock test series.
- Test series available for the affordable price ranges.
- It will improve your speed, accuracy, time management skills, question selection skills, and thinking ability.
- After completing the mock test, you will obtain a national level rank as per your performance. This will help you to improve further.
- Performance analysis report will be generated after finishing the mock test. It will highlight your weak areas, scoring parts, speed, time taken for each question, and many other factors. It will be very useful to optimize your performance to the next level.
- Easy access of mck tests 24*7 using mobile app, laptop or desktop.
- The Crack with Jack online mock test series is a single platform to practice various exams such as Railways, Banking, SSC, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: The mock test series is available in which languages?
A: You can take the mock tests in either English or Hindi.
Q: Is there any free test available for practice?
A : Yes, one free test is available for each exam. You can practice that for a sample.
Q: How can I check the solutions?
A: After completing the test, you can check your score and solution for each question.
Q: Can I pause the test and resume it later?
A: Yes, the pause and resume option is available. You can continue the test from where you have paused it.
Q: What are the payment options for purchasing the mock test series?
A: You can pay the fee through online mode such as credit card, debit card, net banking, etc.