Reasoning Ability
Quantitative Aptitude
Day 1
Reasoning Ability
1. Circular seating arrangement- 5 ques
2. Box based puzzle- 5 ques
3. Linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
4. Month with date puzzle- 5 ques
Score booster: Syllogism+ Symbol, number, letter mixed series+ Direction sense+ Coding decoding = 20 ques
(Based on SBI Clerk Prelims 2023)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph
2. Pie chart
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Boats and stream
g. Pipes and cisterns
h. Mensuration
i. Time and distance
j. Averages
(Based on SBI Clerk Prelims 2024)
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Double fillers (Word replacement)- 5ques
2. Para jumble - 5 ques
3. Vocabulary identity(Choosing similar pair of words)- 5ques
4. Error detection(Divided into five parts)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close test- 12ques
Day 2
Reasoning Ability
1. Sequence puzzle- 5 ques
2. Unknown linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Floor puzzle- 5 ques
4. Square seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Inequality+ Blood relation+ Alphabet series+Misc = 20 ques
(Based on SBI Clerk Prelims 2023)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Caselet
3. Application sums :
a. Percentage
b. Trains
c. Mixture and allegation
d. SI and CI
e. Number system
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Averages
(Based on SBI Clerk Prelims 2024)
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Missplet/inappropriate- 5ques
2. Error detection(Sentence model) - 5ques
3. Close test - 5 ques
4. Sentence improvement(Replacement) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Double Filler- 12ques
Day 3
Reasoning Ability
1. Month based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Parallel seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Day based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Floor with flat based puzzle- 5 ques
Score booster: Syllogism+ Number and symbol mixed series+ order and ranking+ Direction sence = 20 ques
(Based on SBI Clerk Prelims 2023)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Caselet
3. Application sums :
a. Percentage
b. Trains
c. Averages
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Mixture and allegation
j. Ages
(Based on SBI Clerk Prelims 2024)
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Vocabulary identity(Choosing similar pair of words) - 5 ques
2. Close test- 5ques
3. Word usage(Inappropriate) - 5ques
4. Single fillers(word given) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Mispelt word- 12ques
Day 4
Reasoning Ability
1. Year based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Circular seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Designation based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Unknown linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Inequality+ Number series(three digit)+ Symbol and letter mixed series+ Blood relation = 20 ques
(Based on SBI Clerk Prelims 2023)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie Chart
2. Missing table chart
3. Bar graph
4. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Trains
c. Partnership
d. Profit and Loss
e. Ages
(Based on SBI Clerk Prelims 2024)
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Misspelt and inappropriate- 5ques
2. Double fillers(Multiple options) - 5ques
3. Close test(Fillers type) - 5 ques
4. Word swapping(Between two sentence) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close test - 12ques
Day 5
Reasoning Ability
1. Box based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Square seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Table based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Syllogism+ Alphabet series+ Coding decoding+ Misc = 20 ques
(Based on SBI Clerk Prelims 2023)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart
2. Line graph
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Boats and stream
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Time and distance
j. Averages
(Based on SBI Clerk Prelims 2024)
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Single filler (Two statement given) - 5ques
2. Match the column(Based on connector) - 5ques
3. Error detection(Sentence model) - 5 ques
4. Sentence rearrangement (Already fixed)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + close test - 12ques
Day 6
Reasoning Ability
1. Floor based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Parallel seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Sequence based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Rectangular seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Inequality+ Symbol,number and letter mixed series+ Order and ranking+ Direction sense = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Table chart
3. Application sums :
a. Ages
b. Trains
c. Mixture and allegation
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Percentage
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Word swapping(Based on two words swapping)- 5ques
2. Misspelt/inappropriate - 5ques
3. Single filler- 5ques
4. Close test - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Match the column- 12ques
Day 7
Reasoning Ability
1. Month with date puzzle- 5 ques
2. Circular seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Day based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Table based puzzle- 5 ques
Score booster: Syllogism+ Number series(single digit)+ Blood relation+ Alphabet series = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph
2. Pie chart
3. Caselet
4. Application sums :
a. Time and distance
b. Percentage
c. Pipes and cisterns
d. Profit and Loss
e. Boats and stream
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Starters- 5ques
2. Vocabulary identity(Choosing similar pair of words) - 5ques
3. Close test - 5 ques
4. Sentence improvement(Replacement) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Error detection- 12ques
Day 8
Reasoning Ability
1. Floor with flat puzzle- 5 ques
2. Square seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Month based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Designation based puzzle- 5 ques
Score booster: Inequality+ Coding decoding+ Letter and number mixed+ Misc = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph
2. Missing table chart
3. Application sums :
a. Mixture and allegation
b. Ages
c. Time and distance
d. Partnership
e. Profit and Loss
f. Pipes and cisterns
g. SI and CI
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Averages
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Double fillers(Word replacement)- 5ques
2. Close test - 5 ques
3. Error detection (Sentence basis) - 5ques
4. Vocabulary identity(Highlighting two words)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Para jumble- 12ques
Day 9
Reasoning Ability
1. Linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
2. Box based puzzle- 5 ques
3. Month with year puzzle- 5 ques
4. Triangular seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Syllogism+ Direction sense+ Number and Symbol mixed series+ Number series(three digit)= 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Table chart
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion
b. Trains
c. Boats and stream
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Pipes and cisterns
h. Mensuration
i. Mixture and allegation
j. Averages
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Match the column(Sentence completion) - 5ques
2. Vocabulary identity(Highlightin two words)- 5ques
3. Word usage (inappropriate) - 5ques
4. Error detection(Divided into five parts) - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Single Filler - 12ques
Day 10
Reasoning Ability
1. Unknown linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
2. Sequence based puzzle- 5 ques
3. Day based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Circular seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Inequality+ Blood relation+ Order and ranking+ Symbol, number and letter mixed series = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table Chart
2. Pie chart
3. Caselet
4. Application sums :
a. Time and work
b. Trains
c. Boats and stream
d. Mensuration
e. Percentage
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Misspelt/inappropriate - 5ques
2. Sentence rearrangement (Divided into five parts) - 5ques
3. Double fillers (Pair of words) - 5ques
4. Para jumble - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close Test - 12ques
Day 11
Reasoning Ability
1. Parallel seating arrangement- 5 ques
2. Year based puzzle- 5 ques
3. Rectangular seating arrangement- 5 ques
4. Month based puzzle- 5 ques
Score booster: Syllogism+ Coding decoding+ Alphabet series+ Misc = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph
2. Caselet
3. Table chart
4. Application sums :
a. Time and distance
b. Averages
c. SI and CI
d. Ratio and proportion
e. Mensuration
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Vocabulary identity(Highlighting two words)- 5ques
2. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques
3. Sentence rearrangement(Divided into five parts)- 5ques
4. Para jumble - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Mispelt word- 12ques
Day 12
Reasoning Ability
1. Month with date based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Table based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Designation based puzzle- 5 ques
Score booster: Inequality+ Direction sense+ Number series(single digit)+ Blood relation = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet
2. Bar graph
3. Application sums :
a. Mixture and allegation
b. Ages
c. Time and distance
d. Partnership
e. Profit and Loss
f. Time and work
g. SI and CI
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Percentage
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Word swapping - 5ques
2. Double fillers(Pair of words given)- 5ques
3. Close test - 5ques
4. Match the column(Sentence completion) - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Error detection- 12ques
Day 13
Reasoning Ability
1. Floor with flat based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Box based puzzle- 5 ques
3. Square seating arrangement- 5 ques
4. Unknown linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Syllogism+ Symbol and letter mixed series+ Coding decoding+ Misc = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet
2. Pie chart
3. Line graph
4. Application sums :
a. Time and distance
b. Percentage
c. Pipes and cisterns
d. Profit and Loss
e. Boats and stream
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Para jumble - 5 ques
2. Vocabulary identity(Match the column)- 5ques
3. Misspelt/inappropriate- 5ques
4. Error spotting (Divided into five parts) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +double Filler- 12ques
Day 14
Reasoning Ability
1. Day based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Age based puzzle- 5 ques
3. Circular seating arrangement- 5 ques
4. Triangular seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Inequality+ order and ranking+ Alphabet series+ Number and symbol mixed series = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Bar graph
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Boats and stream
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Time and distance
j. Percentage
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Misspelt/inappropriate - 5ques
2. Error spotting-(divided into five parts) - 5ques
3. Close test(word replacement) - 5 ques
4. Double fillers(Pair of words given in options)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Match the column - 12ques
Day 15
Reasoning Ability
1. Sequence based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Month based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Pentagon seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Syllogism+ Blood relation+ Number series(three digit)+ Direction sense = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet
2. Table chart
3. Application sums :
a. Ages
b. Trains
c. Time and distance
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Percentage
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Single filler (Two statements given)- 5ques
2. Sentence improvement(Highlighting phrase) - 5ques
3. Error spotting(Divided into five parts) - 5ques
4. Match the column(Connector based) - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Word swapping - 12ques
Day 16
Reasoning Ability
1. Designation based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Floor with flat based puzzle- 5 ques
3. Unknown circular seating arrangement- 5 ques
4. Table based puzzle- 5 ques
Score booster: Inequality+Symbol,letter and number mixed series+ Misc+ Coding decoding = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart
2. Quantity I and II
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Ratio and proportion
g. Time and distance
h. Trains
i. Profit & Loss
j. Time and work
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Starters- 5ques
2. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques
3. Close test- 5 ques
4. Error detection(Sentence model)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Para jumble- 12ques
Day 17
Reasoning Ability
1. Month with date based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Square seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Floor based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Parallel seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Syllogism+ Order and ranking+ Alphabet series+ Number and symbol mixed series = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Caselet
3. Pie chart
4. Application sums :
a. Percentage
b. Time and distance
c. Mensuration
d. Boats and stream
e. Pipes and cisterns
f. Ages
g. Time and work
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Para jumble - 5 ques
2. Error detection (Sentence model) - 5ques
3. Misspelt/inapprorpiate- 5ques
4. Starter - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Sentence rearrangement- 12ques
Day 18
Reasoning Ability
1. Box based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Unknown linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Designation based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Sequence based puzzle- 5 ques
Score booster: Inequality+ Blood relation+ Letter and Symbol mixed series+ Direction sense = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Data sufficiency
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mensuration
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Ratio and proportion
g. Mixture and allegation
h. Trains
i. Boats and stream
j. Pipes and cisterns
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Sentence rearrangement- 5ques
2. Misspelt/inappropriate - 5ques
3. Close test - 5 ques
4. Match the column(Based on connector)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Double Filler- 12ques
Day 19
Reasoning Ability
1. Month based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Hexagon based seating arrangement- 5 ques
3. Day based puzzle- 5 ques
4. Linear seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Syllogism+ Coding decoding+ Number series(three digit)+ Misc = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart
2. Bar graph
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion
b. Ages
c. Trains
d. Mixture and allegation
e. Profit and Loss
f. Time and work
g. SI and CI
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Partnership
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Word usage(Based on meaning) - 5ques
2. Sentence improvement (Error detection model)- 5ques
3. Word swapping(between two sentence) - 5ques
4. Vocabulary idenity(Match the column) - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Mispelt word- 12ques
Day 20
Reasoning Ability
1. Floor with flat based puzzle- 5 ques
2. Year based puzzle- 5 ques
3. Triangular seating arrangement- 5 ques
4. Circular seating arrangement- 5 ques
Score booster: Inequality+ Order and ranking+ Number series(single digit)+ Alphabet series = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Line graph
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ratio and proportion
e. Profit and Loss
f. Boats and stream
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Time and distance
j. Averages
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
1. Double fillers (Word replacement)- 5ques
2. Para jumble - 5 ques
3. Vocabulary identity(Choosing similar pair of words)- 5ques
4. Error detection(Divided into five parts)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close test- 12ques
Day 21
Reasoning Ability
1.Table based puzzle
2. Parallel seating arrangement
3. Floor based puzzle
4. Month with year based puzzle
5. Syllogism
6. Direction sense
7. Symbol,number and letter mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart
2. Table chart
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion
b. Trains
c. Boats and stream
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Mixture and allegation
j. Ages
4.Simplification - 10Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Error detection(Sentence model)- 3 ques
2. Double fillers(pair of words)- 5ques
3. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques
4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques
(Based on IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022)
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Mispelt word- 12ques
Day 22
Reasoning Ability
1. Designation based puzzle
2. Square seating arrangement
3. Sequence based puzzle
4. Day based puzzle
6. Blood relation
7. Number series(three digit)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Missing table Chart
2. Bar graph
3. Caselet
4. Application sums :
a. Percentage
b. Time and work
c. Trains
d. Mixture and allegation
e. Mensuration
4.approximation - 5Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
6.Quadratic equation - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. word swapping(Three words highlighted)- 3ques
2. Parajumble- 5ques
3. Close test - 5 ques
4. Double fillers(Word replacement)- 5ques
(Based on IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022)
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Error detection- 12ques
Day 23
Reasoning Ability
1. Unknown linear seating arrangement
2. Month based puzzle
3. Rectangular seating arrangement
4. Box based puzzle
5. Syllogism
6. Coding decoding
7.Symbol and letter mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Line graph
3. Application sums :
a. Percentage
b. Averages
c. Boats and stream
d. Profit and Loss
e. Time and distance
f. Partnership
g. Pipes and cisterns
h. Mensuration
i. Mixture and allegation
j. Ages
4.Simplification - 10Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Vocabulary identity(Highlighting two words ) - 3ques
2. Word swapping(Only two words) - 5ques
3. Single filler (Two statement given))- 5ques
4. Para jumble - 5ques
(Based on IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022)
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +close test- 12ques
Day 24
Reasoning Ability
1. Circular seating arrangement
2. Month with date based puzzle
3. Year based puzzle
4. Designation based puzzle
5. Inequality
6. Misc
7. Alphabet series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Table chart
3. Caselet
4. Application sums :
a. Trains
b. Averages
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ratio and proportion
e. Mensuration
4.approximation - 5Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
6.Quadratic equation - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. word usage (Parts of speech) - 3ques
2. Word swapping (Three words highlighted) - 5ques
3. Close test - 5ques
4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques
(Based on IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022)
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Single Filler- 12ques
Day 25
Reasoning Ability
1. Linear seating arrangement
2. Floor with flat based puzzle
3. Box based puzzle
4. Day based puzzle
5. Syllogism
6. Order and ranking
7. Symbol and number mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph
2. Pie chart and table chart
3. Radar graph
4. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Averages
c. Time and distance
d. Profit and Loss
e. Mensuration
4.Simplification - 5Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
6.Quadratic equation - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Missplet/inappropriate - 3ques
2. Error spotting(Divided into five parts) - 5ques
3. Single fillers(Pharsal verbs) - 5ques
4. Parajumble- 5ques
(Based on IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022)
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + close test - 12ques
Day 26
Reasoning Ability
1.Table/Group based puzzle
2. Floor puzzle (8 floors)
3. Age based puzzle
4. Parallel seating arrangement
5. Syllogism
6. Inequality
7. Direction sense
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Pie chart
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Boats and stream
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Trains
j. Ratio and proportion
4.Simplification - 10Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Para jumble - 5ques
2. Error detection(Finding correct part)- 3ques
3. Misspelt/inappropriate- 5ques
4. Vocabulary identity(Match the column)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Match the column- 12ques
Day 27
Reasoning Ability
1. Sequence based puzzle
2. Square seating arrangement
3. Month based puzzle
4. Unknown linear seating arrangement
5. Inequality
6. Blood relation
7. Number series(single digit)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Line graph
3. Application sums :
a. Mixture and allegation
b. Ages
c. Trains
d. Percentage
e. Profit and Loss
f. Time and work
g. SI and CI
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Partnership
4.Approximation - 10Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Vocabulary identity(Highlighting two words)- 3ques
2. Close test - 5ques
3. Error detection(Divided into five parts)- 5ques
4. Match the column(Fillers based)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + para jumble- 12ques
Day 28
Reasoning Ability
1.Circular seating arrangement
2. Year based puzzle
3. Box based puzzle
4. Triangular seating arrangement
5. Syllogism
6. Misc
7. Alphabet series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart
2. Bar graph
3. Application sums :
a. Ages
b. Time and distance
c. Mixture and allegation
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Percentage
4.Simplification - 10Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Sentence improvement (one fixed))- 5ques
2. Misspelt/inappropriate - 3ques
3. Double fillers(Pair of words given) - 5ques
4. Close test - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +word swapping- 12ques
Day 29
Reasoning Ability
1. Table based puzzle
2. Day based puzzle
3. Linear arrangement
4. Designation puzzle
5. Inequality
6. Number series
7.Alphabet and symbol mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet
2. Table chart
3. Line graph
4. Application sums :
a. Time and distance
b. Averages
c. SI and CI
d. Ratio and proportion
e. Mensuration
4.Approximation - 5Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
6.Quadratic equation - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Match the column(fillers based) - 5ques
2. Vocabulary idenity(Highlighting two words)- 3ques
3. Error detection (divided into five parts) - 5ques
4. Double filler(Multiple options) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close test- 12ques
Day 30
Reasoning Ability
1. Sequence based puzzle
2. Floor with flat based puzzle
3. Square seating arrangement
4. Month based puzzle
5. Syllogism
6. Coding decoding
7. Letter and number mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Line graph
3. Application sums :
a. Averages
b. Number system
c. Ratio and proportion
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Pipes and cisterns
h. Time and distance
i. Boats and stream
j. Mixture and allegation
4.simplification - 10Q
5.missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 5ques
2. Single fillers - 5ques
3. Word usage (Based on meaning)- 3ques
4. Match the column(Fillers based) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Sentence rearrangement - 12ques
Day 31
Reasoning Ability
1. Box based puzzle
2.Month with date puzzle
3.Parallel arrangement
4.Unknown linear arrangement
5. Alphabet and symbol mixed series
6. Number series
7. Inequality
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph
2. Table chart
3. Application sums :
a. Mixture and allegation
b. Ages
c. Trains
d. Percentage
e. Profit and Loss
f. Time and work
g. SI and CI
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Partnership
4.Approximation - 10Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Vocabulary identity(Highlighting words)- 3ques
2. Close test- 5ques
3. word swapping(based on two sentence)- 5ques
4. Starters/connector- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Para jumble- 12ques
Day 32
Reasoning Ability
1. Floor based puzzle
2. Age based puzzle
3. Circular seating arrangement
4. Table based puzzle
5. Syllogism
6. Direction sense
7. Number and letter mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Caselet
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mensuration
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Ratio and proportion
g. Mixture and allegation
h. Trains
i. Boats and stream
j. Pipes and cisterns
4.Simplification - 10Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Single filler(Two statements given)- 5ques
2. Sentence improvement(replacement model)- 5ques
3. Misspelt/inappropriate - 3ques
4. sentence rearrangement(PQRST model)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Close test-12ques
Day 33
Reasoning Ability
1. Month with date puzzle
2. Designation puzzle
3. Linear arrangement
4. Pentagon arrangement
5. Inequality
6. Blood relation
7. Alphabet, Symbols and number mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph
2. Quantity I and II
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mensuration
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Ratio and proportion
g. Mixture and allegation
h. Time and distance
i. Boats and stream
j. Pipes and cisterns
4.Approximation - 10Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Sentence rearrangement - 5ques
2. Match the column(Based on connector) - 5ques
3. Sentence improvement (Replacement)- 3ques
4. Close test - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Error detection- 12ques
Day 34
Reasoning Ability
1. Floor with flat puzzle
2. Month based puzzle
3. Square seating arrangement
4. Sequence based puzzle
5. Syllogism
6. Coding decoding
7.Number series(three digit)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Pie chart
3. Application sums :
a. Ages
b. Trains
c. Time and distance
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Percentage
4.simplification - 10Q
5.wrong number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Word swapping- 3ques
2. Double filler(word replacement) - 5ques
3. Sentence improvement (error detection model) - 5ques
4. Match the column(Sentence completion) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Sentence rearrangement - 12ques
Day 35
Reasoning Ability
1. Age based puzzle
2. Box based puzzle
3. Unknown linear arrangement
4. Parallel arrangement
5. Inequality
6. Order and ranking
7. Alphabet series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Data sufficiency
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Trains
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Ratio and proportion
g. Mixture and allegation
h. Averages
i. Boats and stream
j. Time and work
4.Approximation - 10Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Double fillers(Multiple options) - 5ques
2. Sentence improvement (Error detection model) - 5ques
3. Word swapping(Based on two sentence)- 3ques
4. Vocabulary identity(Sentence model)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Error Detection - 12ques
Day 36
Reasoning Ability
1. Designation based puzzle
2. Table based puzzle
3. Pentagon seating arrangement
4. Linear seating arrangement
5. Syllogism
6. Direction sense
7.Number series(single digit)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Bar graph
3. Application sums :
a. Trains
b. Percentage
c. Ages
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Pipes and cisterns
g. Partnership
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Mixture and allegation
4.Simplification - 10Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Close test - 5ques
2. Match the column(Based on connector)- 5ques
3. Double fillers(Pair of words given)- 5ques
4. Misspelt/inappropriate- 3ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Error detection- 12ques
Day 37
Reasoning Ability
1. Floor with flat puzzle
2. Year based puzzle
3. Circular arrangement
4. Hexagon arrangement
5. Alphabet, Symbols and number mixed series
6. Blood relation
7. Inequality
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet
2. Pie chart
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion
b. Trains
c. Number system
d. SI and CI
e. Time and distance
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Mixture and allegation
j. Ages
4.Approximation - 10Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. starters- 5ques
2. Error detection - 5ques
3. Para jumble - 5ques
4. Match the column(Based on connector)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Double Filler- 12ques
Day 38
Reasoning Ability
1. Year based puzzle
2. Rectangular arrangement facing inside
3. Unknown circular arrangement
4. Month with date based puzzle
5. Inequality
6. Coding decoding
7. Number series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph
2. Bar graph
3. Application sums :
a. Percentage
b. Profit and Loss
c. Boats and stream
d. SI and CI
e. Train
f. Partnership
g. Pipes and cisterns
h. Mensuration
i. Mixture and allegation
j. Averages
4.Simplification - 10Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Close test - 5ques
2. Vocabulary identity (Highlighting one word) - 3ques
3. Error detection (Divided into five parts)- 5ques
4. Word usage (Based on meaning) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Sentence rearrangement- 12ques
Day 39
Reasoning Ability
1. Box based puzzle
2. Floor based puzzle
3. Square seating arrangement
4. Unknown linear seating arrangement
5. Syllogism
6. Blood relation
7. Letter and Number mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Pie chart
3. Caselet
4. Application sums :
a. Ages
b. Partnership
c. Time and work
d. Mixture and allegation
e. Percentage
f. Mensuration
g. Profit and Loss
4.Approximation - 5Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
6.Quadratic equation - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Sentence rearrangement (one fixed) - 5ques
2. Missplet/inappropriate - 3ques
3. Single filler(Word given) - 5ques
4. Vocabulary identity(Choosing similar pair of words)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Error detection - 12ques
Day 40
Reasoning Ability
1. Year based puzzle
2. Rectangular arrangement bidirectional
3. Month with date based puzzle
4. Designation puzzle
5. Inequality
6. Misc
7. Coding decoding
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Pie chart
3. Application sums :
a. Averages
b. Partnership
c. Time and distance
d. Ratio and proportion
e. Profit and Loss
f. Time and work
g. SI and CI
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Number system
4.Simplification- 10Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Vocabulary identity (Choosing similar of words)- 3ques
2. Word usage (inappropriate)- 5ques
3. Misspelt/inappropriate- 5ques
4. Sentence rearrangement(One fixed) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Match the column- 12ques
Day 41
Reasoning Ability
1. Table based puzzle
2. Day based puzzle
3. Circular seating arrangement
4. Triangular seating arrangement
5. Syllogism
6. Order and ranking
7.Symbol,letter and number mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart
2. Table chart
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Ratio and proportion
g. Time and distance
h. Trains
i. Profit & Loss
j. Time and work
4.Approximation- 10Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Error detection- 5ques
2. Single filler (Single blank)- 5ques
3. Vocabulary identity(Choosing similar pair of words)- 3ques
4. Para jumble - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close test- 12ques
Day 42
Reasoning Ability
1. Month based puzzle
2. Rectangular arrangement (2 variable)
3. Unknown linear arrangement
4. Sequence based puzzle
5. Syllogism
6. Inequality
7. Direction sense
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet
2. Table chart
3. Application sums :
a. Ages
b. Trains
c. Time and distance
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Percentage
4.Simplification- 10Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Word swapping(Based on two sentence)- 5ques
2. Sentence rearrangement - 5ques
3. Close test - 5ques
4. Double fillers(Multiple options) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Error detection- 12ques
Day 43
Reasoning Ability
1. Floor based puzzle
2. Box based puzzle
3. Day based puzzle
4. Hexagon based seating arrangement
5. Inequality
6. Order and ranking
7.Alphabet series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph
2. Table chart
3. Application sums :
a. Ages
b. Ratio and proportion
c. Train
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Mixture and allegation
4.Approximation- 10Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Double fillers (Mutiple options)- 5ques
2. Para jumble - 5ques
3. Word swapping (Based on two sentence) - 3ques
4. Sentence improvement (Replacement) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Match the column- 12ques
Day 44
Reasoning Ability
1. Designation puzzle
2. Floor with flat
3. Linear arrangement
4. Square arrangement
5. Miscellanous
6. Syllogism
7. Number and symbol mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Caselet
3. Table chart
4. Application sums :
a. Trains
b. Averages
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ratio and proportion
e. Mensuration
4.Simplification - 5Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
6.Quadratic equation - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Sentence rearrangement (Divided into five parts) - 5ques
2. Vocabulary identity(Match the column)- 3ques
3. Word swapping - 5ques
4. Error spotting(Sentence model) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Mispelt word - 12ques
Day 45
Reasoning Ability
1. Circular seating arrangement
2. Month with date based puzzle
3. Sequence based puzzle
4. Age based puzzle
5. Inequality
6. Blood relation
7. Symbol and letter mixed series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Missing table Chart
2. Bar graph
3. Caselet
4. Application sums :
a. Percentage
b. Time and work
c. Trains
d. Mixture and allegation
e. Mensuration
4.Approximation - 10Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Word swapping- 3ques
2. Sentence improvement(Replacement) - 5ques
3. Double fillers(Word replacement) - 5ques
4. Match the column(connector based)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Mispelt word - 12ques
Day 46
Reasoning Ability
1. Table based puzzle
2. Month based puzzle
3. Unknown linear arrangement
4. Parallel arrangement
5. Direction sense
6. Alphabet, Symbols and number mixed series
7. Inequality
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet
2. Pie chart
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion
b. Trains
c. Number system
d. SI and CI
e. Time and distance
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Mixture and allegation
j. Ages
4.Simplification - 5Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
6.Quadratic equation - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Error detection(Sentence mopdel)- 5ques
2. Word swapping(Based on two sentence)- 3ques
3. Match the column(Based on connector)- 5ques
4. Close test - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Para jumble- 12ques
Day 47
Reasoning Ability
1. Designation based puzzle
2. Square seating arrangement
3. Floor with flat based puzzle
4. Unknown circular seating arrangment
5. Coding decoding
6. Order and ranking
7. Blood relation
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Caselet
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Boats and stream
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Train
j. Ratio and proportion
4.Approximation - 10Q
5. Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Para jumble - 5ques
2. Error detection(Divided into five parts) - 5ques
3. Match the column (Based on connector)- 5ques
4. Single filler(Word given)- 3ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close test- 12ques
Day 48
Reasoning Ability
1. Sequence puzzle
2. Floor based puzzle
3. Linear arrangement
4. Day based puzzle
5. Syllogism
6. Number and symbol mixed series
7. Miscellanous
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart
2. Line graph
3. Application sums :
a. Time and distance
b. Ages
c. Trains
d. Mixture and allegation
e. Profit and Loss
f. Time and work
g. Partnership
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Averages
4.Simplification - 10Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Missplet/inappropriate - 3ques
2. Sentence rearrangement - 5ques
3. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques
4. Para jumble - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Close test- 12ques
Day 49
Reasoning Ability
1. Month with date based puzzle
2. year based puzzle
3. Unknown linear seating arrangement
4. Designation based puzzle
5. Inequality
6. Direction sense
7.Number series(three digit)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph
2. Pie chart
3. Application sums :
a. Averages
b. Partnership
c. Time and distance
d. Ratio and proportion
e. Profit and Loss
f. Time and work
g. SI and CI
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Number system
4.Approximation - 5Q
5.Wrong number - 5Q
6.Quadratic equation - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Single filler(Single blank) - 5ques
2. Sentence improvement(Replacement model) - 5ques
3. Word usage- 5ques
4. Match the column(connector based) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Para jumble - 12ques
Day 50
Reasoning Ability
1. Box based puzzle
2. Month based puzzle
3. Unknown circular seating arrangement
4. Square arrangement
5. Order and ranking
6. Inequality
7. Alphabet series
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart
2. Pie chart
3. Caselet
4. Application sums :
a. Trains
b. Ages
c. Mensuration
d. Profit and Loss
e. Mixture and allegation
4.Simplification - 10Q
5.Missing number - 5Q
Total Number of Questions = 35
1. Word swapping (Two words changing) - 5ques
2. Close test- 5ques
3. Vocabulary identity(Choosing similar pair of words) - 3 ques
4. Word usage (Based on inappropriate) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Single Filler- 12ques