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Reasoning Ability

Quantitative Aptitude

English Language

Day 1

Reasoning Ability

1. Data sufficiency-2 statements based
2. Table based puzzle-2 variables
3. Alphabet series-step 1, step 2, based
4. Day based puzzle-New type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. bar graph +notes- 5 ques
2. liine graph ( election based) - 5 ques
3. caselet(boat and stream) tricky - 5 ques
4. quantity i and ii, iii- 5 ques

English Language

1. Cloze test- 5 ques
2. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques
3. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques
4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques

Day 2

Reasoning Ability

1. Input output- new type
2. Three parallel row based seating arrangement
3. Month with date based puzzle-Vacant based
4. Logical reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Application sums - 5Q
2. Table DI based on ratio and note - 5Q
3. Line graph based on difference - 5Q
4. Double pie chart based on variable - 5Q

English Language

1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques
2. Sentence improvement (Phrasal replacement)- 5ques
3. Word usage (Inappropriate finding)- 5ques
4. Error spotting(Finding correct part)- 5ques

Day 3

Reasoning Ability

1. Concentric based rectangular seating arrangement
2. Miscellaneous
3. Month puzzle-single variable
4. Unknown floor with flat puzzle

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Quantity I, II and III - 2Q
2. Application sums - 2Q
3. Table DI based on SI and CI - 4Q
4. Double bar based on variable with notes - 4Q
5. Caselet based on train - 4Q
6. Line graph based on percentage - 4Q

English Language

1. Sentence rearrangement (Already fixed)- 5ques
2. Reading comprehension- 7 ques
3. Vocabulary identity(Three words highlighted)- 5ques
4. Sentence odd finding (Theme based)- 3 ques

Day 4

Reasoning Ability

1. Designation puzzle-2 varibales
2. Logical reasoning
3. Linear seating arrangement with persons moving
4. Input Output Word and number based

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Table chart based on statements - 5Q
2. Bar graph based on ratio - 5Q
3. Caselet based on mensuration - 3Q
4. Line graph based on election - 5Q
5. Application sums - 2Q

English Language

1. Parajumble (different activities)-5 questions
2. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques
3. Double fillers9pair of words)- 5ques
4. Word swapping(inappropriate replacement)- 5ques

Day 5

Reasoning Ability

1. Year based puzzle
2. Parallel row based seating arrangement without mentioning direction of the persons
3. Coding decoding- Alphabet, number and symbol mixed
4. Floor with flat two variable

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Line graph based on train - 4Q
2. Caselet based on variable - 4Q
3. Bar graph based on SI and CI with notes - 4Q
4. Data sufficiency based on three statements - 3Q
5. Table DI based on age and weight - 5Q

English Language

1. Cloze test(Fillers based) - 5 ques
2. Sentence completion- 5ques
3. Match the column (Connector based)- 5ques
4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques

Day 6

Reasoning Ability

1. Coded syllogism
2. Unknown linear with blood relation
3. Floor puzzle two variable
4. Puzzle-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Pie chart based on percentage distribution and difference - 4Q
2. Bar graph and Pie chart based on notes - 4Q
3. Table DI based on statements and ratio - 4Q
4. Line graph based on percentage and variable - 4Q
5. Application sums based on new pattern - 4Q

English Language

1. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 5ques
2. Paragraph completion(Choosing suitable sentence)- 5 ques
3. Word arrangement - 5ques
4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques

Day 7

Reasoning Ability

1. Hexogonal based seating arrangement with perimeter based
2. Number series-New type
3. Desigantion puzzle new type with condition based
4. Order and ranking paragraph based

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Caselet based on variable - 4Q
2. Caselet based on venn diagram - 4Q
3. Table DI based on variable + Pie chart based on percentage - 4Q
4. Bar graph with notes - 4Q
5. Data sufficiency based on two statements - 4Q

English Language

1. Parajumble- 5 ques
2. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques
3. Multiple fillers- 5ques
4. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques

Day 8

Reasoning Ability

1. Pentagonal seating arrangement- single variable
2. Input output-square box based
3. Square based seating arrangement with vacant
4. Height with stack based puzzle

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Pie chart + Table chart based on percentage and ratio - 4Q
2. Line graph based on ratio with notes - 4Q
3. Caselet based on equation - 4Q
4. Caselet based on SI and CI - 4Q
5. Funnel DI with notes - 4Q

English Language

1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques
2. Match the column(Connector based)- 5 ques
3. Starters- 3 ques
4. Sentence improvement(Phrasal replacement)- 5ques

Day 9

Reasoning Ability

1. Alphabet series conditions based
2. Timing based puzzle-New type
3. Unknown linear seating arrangement with blood relation
4. Logical reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Pie chart based on percentage with notes - 4Q
2. Caselet based on variable - 4Q
3. Bar graph + Caselet - 4Q
4. Table DI based on statements with variables - 4Q
5.Line graph based on notes - 4Q

English Language

1. Cloze test(Multiple task)- 6 ques
2. Double fillers(Multiple options)- 5ques
3. Match the column(Three column based)- 5ques
4. Connectors (Providing three sentence-connector given )- 4 ques

Day 10

Reasoning Ability

1. Circular seating arrangement with two variable
2. Coding decoding condition based
3. Data sufficiency new type
4. Month puzzle-vacant based

Quantitative Aptitude

1.Missing Table + Notes (Cricket based) - 5
2.Bar graph + Table (season based)- 5
3.Data sufficiency - 5
4.Column based quadratic equation - 5

English Language

1. Cloze test- 5 ques
2. Multiple fillers- 5ques
3. Sentence odd finding (Theme based)- 3 ques
4. Parajumble(Swapping all sentence)- 5ques

Day 11

Reasoning Ability

1. Alphabet series-Step-1, step-2 based
2. Syllogism with inequality
3. Year puzzle - coded based
4. Floor and flat puzzle

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Missing table DI based on variable - 4Q
2. Double pie chart based on partnership - 4Q
3. Table DI + bar graph based on notes - 3 Q
4. Caselet based on equation (probability) - 3Q
5. Number series based on variable - 3Q
6. Line graph based on notes and difference - 3Q

English Language

1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques
2. Word swapping(Based on two sentence)- 5ques
3. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 4ques
4. Single fillers (word given)- 5ques

Day 12

Reasoning Ability

1. Word based input output
2. Staircase based puzzle-Two variables
3. Unknown linear seating arrangement-Two variables
4. Column based data sufficiency

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Quadratic equation based on variable - 2Q
2. Missing Table DI based on notes - 5Q
3. Number series based on new pattern - 3Q
4. Pie chart based on variable with notes - 5Q
5. Bar graph based on average - 5Q

English Language

1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques
2. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques
3. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques
4. Word usage (Finding opposite sentence)- 5ques

Day 13

Reasoning Ability

1. Parallel arrangement with two variable
2. Miscellaneous
3. Circular arrangement with vacant
4. Order and ranking with blood relation

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Data sufficiency (3 statements) - 4Q
2. Double pie chart based on percentage and degree distribution with notes - 4Q
3. Line graph based on difference with notes - 4Q
4. Table DI based on ratiio and variable - 4Q
5. Bar graph + Table chart based on variables - 4Q

English Language

1. Sentence improvement(Two phrases highlighted)- 5ques
2. Word usage (Use different words in each sentence)- 4ques
3. Parajumble (Multiple task)- 5ques
4. Paragraph completion(Choosing suitable sentence)- 5 ques

Day 14

Reasoning Ability

1. Matrix and string based puzzle
2. Month puzzle with vacant
3. Direction sense-either or type
4. Box based puzzle -Multiple factor based

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Table chart based on percentage and variable - 5Q
2. Pie chart based on percentage + Table chart based on ratio - 5Q
3. Application sums filler based - 5Q
4. Caselet based on equation - 5Q

English Language

1. Sentence rearrangement (Already fixed)- 5ques
2. Cloze test(Fillers based) - 5 ques
3. Sentence completion- 5ques
4. Vocabulary identity(Three words highlighted)- 5ques

Day 15

Reasoning Ability

1. Cloze test- 5 ques
2. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques
3. Word arrangement - 5ques
4. Sentence improvement(Phrasal replacement)- 5ques

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Scatter DI with notes - 4Q
2. Quadratic equation based on variables - 2Q
3. Caselet based on venn diagram - 4Q
4. Missing table DI + Pie chart based on variable - 4Q
5. Application sums - 3Q
6. Bar graph based on average - 3Q

English Language

1. Error spotting(Finding two incorrect parts)- 5ques
2. Reading comprehension- 7 ques
3. Sentence completion- 5ques
4. Triple fillers(Match the column based)- 5ques