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Reasoning Ability

Quantitative Aptitude


Day 1


Reasoning Ability

1. Unknown linear arrangement bidirectional-2 variables Based on IBPS PO Mains 2023 2. Year puzzle with blood relation Based on IBPS PO Mains 2023 3.Designation puzzle-new type Based on SBI PO Mains 2023 4.Coding decoding-symbol, number and letter based Based on SBI PO Mains 2023

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Table DI based on variable - 4Q 2. Caselet based on double venn diagram - 4Q 3. Cumulative DI based on variables with notes - 4Q 4. Data sufficiency based on equation - 3Q 5. Pie chart based on variable - 5Q Based on IBPS PO / SBI PO Mains 2023


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Error spotting(Finding correct part)- 5ques 3. Word usage (Inappropriate finding)- 5ques 4. Sentence improvement (Phrasal replacement)- 5ques

Day 2


Reasoning Ability

1. Floor with flat with vacant Based on IBPS PO Mains 2023 2. Data sufficiency- Three statements Based on IBPS PO Mains 2023 3.Month with date puzzle with note Based on SBI PO Mains 2023 4. Direction sense- two paragraph type Based on SBI PO Mains 2023

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Funnel DI based on statements - 4Q 2. Table DI based on Profit and loss - 4Q 3. Pie chart based on variable - 4Q 4. Number series new pattern - 3Q 5. Bar graph with table - 5Q Based on IBPS PO / SBI PO Mains 2023


1. Cloze test(Multiple task)- 6 ques 2. Single fillers (word given)- 5ques 3. Match the column(Three column based)- 5ques 4. Word swapping(Based on two sentence)- 5ques

Day 3


Reasoning Ability

1. Matrix and string based puzzle Based on IBPS PO Mains 2023 2.Input output-number based Based on IBPS PO Mains 2023 3.Two/three rwo based number series Based on SBI PO Mains 2023 4. Order and ranking paragraph type Based on SBI PO Mains 2023

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Caselet based on variable- 5Q 2. Quadratic equation - 3Q 3. Application sums New Pattern - 5Q 4. Data sufficincy Option based-3Q 5.Missing table based variable - 4Q Based on IBPS PO / SBI PO Mains 2023


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Double fillers(Multiple options)- 5ques 3. Connectors (Providing three sentence-connector given )- 4 ques 4. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 4ques

Day 4


Reasoning Ability

1. Rectangular seating arrangement-two table Based on IBPS PO Mains 2023 2. Unknown box with stack-2 stack 2 variables Based on IBPS PO Mains 2023 3. Linear seating with blood relation, amount distribution-Based on SBI PO Mains 2023 4. Unknown linear seating Based on SBI PO Mains 2023

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Data sufficiency (3 statements) - 4Q 2. Double pie chart based on notes - 4Q 3. Line graph based on difference with notes - 4Q 4. Table DI based on ratiio and variable - 4Q 5. Bar graph + Table chart based on variables - 4Q Based on IBPS PO / SBI PO Mains 2023


1. Paragraph completion(Choosing suitable sentence)- 5 ques 2. Word usage (Use different words in each sentence)- 4ques 3. Sentence improvement(Two phrases highlighted)- 5ques 4. Parajumble (Multiple task)- 5ques

Day 5


Reasoning Ability

1.Parallel arrangement with blood relation Based on IBPS PO Mains 2022 2.Direction sense with condition Based on IBPS PO Mains 2022 3.Unknown floor with flat Based on SBI PO Mains 2022 4. logical reasoning Based on SBI PO Mains 2022

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Table DI + Caselet based on Mixture and allegation - 4Q 2. Caselet based on mensuration - 4Q 3. Number series based on variable - 4Q 4. Bar graph based on variable - 4Q 6. Quadratic equation based on column - 4Q Based on IBPS PO / SBI PO Mains 2023


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Triple fillers(Match the column based)- 5ques 3. Sentence completion- 5ques 4. Error spotting(Finding two incorrect parts)- 5ques

Day 6


Reasoning Ability

1.Unknown month with date puzzle Based on IBPS PO Mains 2022 2.Coded blood relation Based on IBPS PO Mains 2022 3.Day based puzzle Based on SBI PO Mains 2022 4.Floor puzzle new type Based on SBI PO Mains 2022

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Line graph and Table chart based on variables - 4Q 2. Caselet based on double Venn diagram - 4Q 3. Number series based on equation - 4Q 4. Missing table DI based on Train - 4Q 5. Bar graph based on variables with notes - 4Q


1. Cloze test(Word replacement)- 5 ques 2. Inappropriate word finding- 5ques 3. Word usage (Inappropriate finding)- 5ques 4. Sentence improvement (Phrasal replacement)- 5ques

Day 7


Reasoning Ability

1. Table based puzzle-two variables Based on IBPS PO Mains 2022 2.Coded syllogism Based on IBPS PO Mains 2022 3. Direction sense new type Based on SBI PO Mains 2022 4.Floor based puzzle-two variables Based on IBPS PO Mains 2022

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Application sums - 2Q 2. Filler based caselet - 4Q 3. Horizontal bar graph based on notes - 4Q 4. Table chart based on share market - 3Q 5. Scatter DI based on variables - 4Q 6. Caselet based on venn diagram - 3Q


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Error spotting(Finding correct part)- 5ques 3. Word replacement (Double fillers)- 5ques 4. Sentence rearrangement (Eliminate odd one)- 5ques

Day 8


Reasoning Ability

1. Desingnation puzzle new type with conditions Based on IBPS PO Mains 2022 2. Coded inequality Based on IBPS PO Mains 2022 3.Data sufficiency-two statements Based on SBI PO Mains 2022 4. Word based arrangement- New pattern Based on SBI PO Mains 2021

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Double Pie chart based on variable (x,y) - 5Q 2. Cumulative DI based on variable(x,y) - 5Q 3. New Pattern Qudratic Equation - 5Q 4.New Pattern Application sums - 5Q


1. Double fillers9pair of words)- 5ques 2. Word swapping(inappropriate replacement)- 5ques 3. Parajumble (different activities)-5 questions 4. Paragraph completion(Choosing suitable sentence)- 5 ques

Day 9


Reasoning Ability

1. Linear arrangement two variables with note Based on IBPS PO Mains 2021 2. Circular arrangement with blood relation (two table) Based on SBI PO Mains 2021 3.Floor with flat puzzle with blood relation Based on IBPS PO Mains 2021 4. Month based puzzle-new pattern Based on SBI PO Mains 2021

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Application sums - 2Q 2. Missing table DI + Bar graph based on variable - 4Q 3. Data sufficiency based on two statements - 2Q 4. Pie chart based on ratio - 4Q 5. Line graph based on pipes and cistern - 4Q 6. Bar graph based on amount with notes - 4Q


1. Match the column(Connector based)- 5 ques 2. Word arrangement - 5ques 3. Sentence improvement(Phrasal replacement)- 5ques 4. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 5ques

Day 10


Reasoning Ability

1.Vertical based parallel arrangement Based on IBPS PO Mains 2021 2.Three row based multiple arrangement Based on SBI PO Mains 2021 3.Linear arrangement with blood relation Based on SBI PO Mains 2021 4. Project based puzzle Based on IBPS PO Mains 2020

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Pie chart based on degree with notes - 4Q 2. Table DI based on statements (time and work) - 4Q 3. Bar graph based on percentage - 4Q 4. Caselet based on time and distance - 4Q 5. Application sums - 4Q


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Parajumble(Swapping all sentence)- 5ques 3. Starters- 3 ques 4. Word usage (Finding opposite sentence)- 5ques

Day 11


Reasoning Ability

1. Unknown month puzzle 2. Miscellaneous 3. Linear arrangement with vacant 4. Seating/puzzle-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1.Double Pie chart with notes - 4 Q ( variable based) 2.Line graph with table with notes - 4Q ( mention some of the ratios in varibale form) 3.Scatter DI with Notes - 4Q 4.Caselet based on Partnership - 4Q ( Variable based) 5.Table DI with notes - 4Q


1. Cloze test- 5 ques 2. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques 3. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques 4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques

Day 12


Reasoning Ability

1. Year puzzle- two variables 2. Data sufficiency- three statements 3. Square seating arrangement-two table and two variables 4. Logical reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Quadratic equation based on column - 2Q 2. Missing table chart based on percentage and notes - 4Q 3. Application sums - 4Q 4. Caselet based on Partnership and equation - 4Q 5. Line graph + Table chart based on notes - 4Q 6. Caselet based on Venn diagram - 2Q


1. Sentence rearrangement (Already fixed)- 5ques 2. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 3. Vocabulary identity(Three words highlighted)- 5ques 4. Sentence odd finding (Theme based)- 3 ques

Day 13


Reasoning Ability

1. Table based puzzle-two variables 2. coding decoding condition based 3. Floor based puzzle-two variables 4. Input output- number and words based

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Table DI based on statements - 4Q 2. Bubble graphs based on variable - 4Q 3. Caselet based on Venn diagram - 4Q 4. Line graph + Pie chart based on difference - 4Q 5. Quantity I, II, and III - 4Q


1. Cloze test(Fillers based) - 5 ques 2. Sentence completion- 5ques 3. Match the column (Connector based)- 5ques 4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques

Day 14


Reasoning Ability

1. Unknown box puzzle 2. Month with date puzzle- two variables 3. Order and ranking with blood relation 4. Seating/puzzle-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Missing Table DI + Bar graph (Based on Pipes and Cistern) - 4Q 2. Double Pie chart Based on race - 4Q 3. Caselet based on Venn diagram and Line graph - 4Q 4. Table chart based on age and weight - 4Q (Variable based) 5. Quadratic equation (Based on table) - 4Q


1. Parajumble- 5 ques 2. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques 3. Multiple fillers- 5ques 4. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques

Day 15


Reasoning Ability

1. Parallel seating arrangement without mentioning direction 2. Circular seating arrangement with blood relation 3. coded direction sense 4. Two/Three row based number series

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Application sums (New pattern) - 4Q 2. Line graph with Table Di based on notes and Mixture and allegation - 4Q 3. Table DI based on notes (partnership based) - 4Q 4. Double pie chart based on percentage and variables - 4Q 5. Scatter graph based on notes - 4Q


1. Cloze test(Multiple task)- 6 ques 2. Double fillers(Multiple options)- 5ques 3. Match the column(Three column based)- 5ques 4. Connectors (Providing three sentence-connector given )- 4 ques

Day 16


Reasoning Ability

1. Day based puzzle- new type 2. unknown linear arrangement bi directional 3. Month puzzle with blood relation 4. Alphanumeric series step 1 step 2 based

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Table DI with statements with notes -5Q 2. Caselet based on arithmetic topic-5Q 3. Pie chart based on variable -5Q 4. Line graph - 5Q


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Word swapping(Based on two sentence)- 5ques 3. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 4ques 4. Single fillers (word given)- 5ques

Day 17


Reasoning Ability

1. Linear seating arrangement with blood relation 2. Input output-new type 3. Logical reasoning 4. Designation puzzle with vacant

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Caselet based on Time and work - 4Q 2. Missing table DI based on notes - 4Q 3. Caselet based on Venn diagram (equation) - 3Q 4. Pie chart based on variable - 3Q 5. Quantity I and II - 3Q 6. Line graph + table chart with notes - 3Q


1. Sentence improvement(Two phrases highlighted)- 5ques 2. Word usage (Use different words in each sentence)- 4ques 3. Parajumble (Multiple task)- 5ques 4. Paragraph completion(Choosing suitable sentence)- 5 ques

Day 18


Reasoning Ability

1. Month with year puzzle-two variables 2. Data sufficiency- statemets in option 3. Blood relation chocolate type 4. Seating/puzzle-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Bar graph + Pie chart based on variable - 4Q 2. Pie chart based on notes - 4Q 3. Table DI based on variable and average - 4Q 4. Line graph based on ratio (based on ages) - 4Q 5. Cumulative DI + Bar graph with notes - 4Q


1. Error spotting(Finding two incorrect parts)- 5ques 2. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 3. Sentence completion- 5ques 4. Triple fillers(Match the column based)- 5ques

Day 19


Reasoning Ability

1. Unknown box with stack 2. Circular seating with vacant 3. Matrix and string based puzzle 4. Coded syllogism

Quantitative Aptitude

1.Missing table DI (Based on ratio) - 4Q 2.Cumulative DI (Based on variable) - 4Q 3.Funnel DI + Notes - 4Q 4.Caselet (Based on Average) - 4Q 5.Pie chart + Table(Based on average) - 4Q


1. Cloze test(Word replacement)- 5 ques 2. Word replacement (Double fillers)- 5ques 3. Sentence rearrangement (Eliminate odd one)- 5ques 4. Inappropriate word finding- 5ques

Day 20


Reasoning Ability

1. Parallel seating arrangement with two variables 2. Unknown month with year puzzle 3. Input output- Number based 4. Misc

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Missing table DI based on variable - 4Q 2. Double pie chart based on partnership - 4Q 3. Table DI + bar graph based on notes - 3 Q 4. Caselet based on equation (probability) - 3Q 5. Number series based on variable - 3Q 6. Line graph based on notes and difference - 3Q


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Error spotting(Finding correct part)- 5ques 3. Word usage (Inappropriate finding)- 5ques 4. Sentence improvement (Phrasal replacement)- 5ques

Day 21


Reasoning Ability

1. Unknown floor with flat-two variables 2. Coding decding-number, symbol, letter based 3. Day puzzle with blood relation 4. order and ranking coded type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Pie Chart Based on variables with notes -4Q 2.Table Chart Based on statements with notes-4Q 3.Line graph based on arithmetic topic-4Q 4.Bubble graph & notes -4Q 5.Caselet based on Time and Work-4Q


1. Parajumble (different activities)-5 questions 2. Double fillers9pair of words)- 5ques 3. Paragraph completion(Choosing suitable sentence)- 5 ques 4. Word swapping(inappropriate replacement)- 5ques

Day 22


Reasoning Ability

1. Unknown linear seating with blood relation 2. Year puzzle with vacant 3. Data sufficiency-two statements based 4. Fillup type syllogism

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Double Pie chart based on run and strike rate - 4Q 2. Caselet based on Boat and stream - 4Q 3.Table DI - 4Q 4. Number series based on three series - 4Q 5. Quadratic equation based on variable - 4Q


1. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 5ques 2. Match the column(Connector based)- 5 ques 3. Sentence improvement(Phrasal replacement)- 5ques 4. Word arrangement - 5ques

Day 23


Reasoning Ability

1. Floor puzzle with blood relation 2. Square seating arrangement-two variables 3.Input output- word based 4. Seating/puzzle-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Application sums - 3Q 2. Table chart based on mensuration - 4Q 3. Caselet based on variable - 3Q 4. Pie chart based on variable - 4Q 5. Missing table DI based on Train - 4Q 6. Caselet based on equation - 2Q


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques 3. Parajumble(Swapping all sentence)- 5ques 4. Starters- 3 ques

Day 24


Reasoning Ability

1. concentric circular arrangement -two variables 2. Word based puzzle 3.Unknown month with date 4. Logical reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Missing DI based on ages - 4Q 2. Pie chart based on amount - 4Q 3. Cumulative bar graph based on notes - 4Q 4. Triangular chart with notes - 4Q 5. Quadratic equation new pattern - 4Q


1. Word usage (Finding opposite sentence)- 5ques 2. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques 3. Cloze test- 5 ques 4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques

Day 25


Reasoning Ability

1. Box puzzle-two variables 2. Month with date with blood relation 3. coded inequality 4. Direction sense with Blood Relation

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Caselet based on equation and variable - 4Q 2. Line graph + caselet based on variable - 4Q 3. Bar graph based on average and notes - 2Q 4. Table chart based on ratio and notes - 4Q 5. Number series based on new pattern - 3Q 6. Caselet based on Mensuration - 3Q


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Sentence rearrangement (Already fixed)- 5ques 3. Sentence odd finding (Theme based)- 3 ques 4. Match the column (Connector based)- 5ques

Day 26


Reasoning Ability

1. Designation puzzle new type 2. Coded syllogism 3. Table based puzzle- two variables 4. Seating/puzzle-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1.Caselet based on Boat and stream - 4Q 2.Bar Graph Di with notes based on Time and work - 4Q 3.Bubble DI with Notes - 4 Q 4.Radar DI based on Income expenditure - 4Q 5.Caselet based on Profit and Loss -4Q


"1. Cloze test(Fillers based) - 5 ques 2. Sentence completion- 5ques 3. Vocabulary identity(Three words highlighted)- 5ques 4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques

Day 27


Reasoning Ability

1. Parallel arrangement (without mentioning direction of the persons) 2. Day based puzzle new pattern 3. Input output-word and number mixed 4. Concentric square based seating arrangement - Movement based

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Pie chart based on average and notes - 4Q 2. Line graph based on variables and notes - 4Q 3. Bar graph based on SI and CI - 4Q 4. Table DI based on variable and difference - 4Q 5. Caselet based on equation and variables - 4Q


1. Parajumble- 5 ques 2. Single fillers (word given)- 5ques 3. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques 4. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques

Day 28


Reasoning Ability

1. Unknown linear seating two varaibles 2. Direction sense with order and ranking 3.concentric square with circular seating 4. Misc

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Data sufficiency (3 statements) - 3Q 2. Table DI based on statements - 4Q 3. Bar graph based on notes and ratio - 2Q 4. Line graph based on variables - 3Q 5. Pie chart + table chart based on notes - 4Q 6. Caselet based on equation (ages) - 4Q


1. Word swapping(Based on two sentence)- 5ques 2. Multiple fillers- 5ques 3. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 4. Double fillers(Multiple options)- 5ques

Day 29


Reasoning Ability

1. Unknown box with stack 2. Diagram based seating arrangement with conditions 3. Timing based puzzle-new type 4. Floor puzzle-conditions based

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Scatter DI based variable - 4Q 2. Caslet based on equation - 4Q 3. Caselet based on profit and loss - 4Q 4. Bar graph with missing DI with notes - 4Q 5. Applications sums new pattern - 4Q


1. Match the column(Three column based)- 5ques 2. Cloze test(Multiple task)- 6 ques 3. Connectors (Providing three sentence-connector given )- 4 ques 4. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 4ques

Day 30


Reasoning Ability

1. Month with date puzzle with blood relation 2. Data sufficiency-statements in option 3. Unknown circular arrangement 4. Logical reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Quantity I, II and III - 3 Q 2. Bar graph based on income and expenditure with notes - 4Q 3. Caselet based on variable with boats and streams - 2Q 4. Table chart based on statements - 4Q 5. Pie chart based on variable - 3Q 6. Missing table chart based on average - 4Q


1. Paragraph completion(Choosing suitable sentence)- 5 ques 2. Triple fillers(Match the column based)- 5ques 3. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 4. Word usage (Use different words in each sentence)- 4ques

Day 31


Reasoning Ability

1. Input output-table based 2. year puzzle-reverse type with two variables 3. coloumn based inequality 4. Matrix and string based puzzle

Quantitative Aptitude

1.Funnel DI based on difference - 4Q 2.Double pie chart based on boat and stream - 4Q 3.Caselet based on double venn diagram - 4Q 4.Data sufficieny based on three statement-4Q 5.Application sums - 4Q


1. Sentence completion- 5ques 2. Error spotting(Finding two incorrect parts)- 5ques 3. Sentence improvement(Two phrases highlighted)- 5ques 4. Parajumble (Multiple task)- 5ques

Day 32


Reasoning Ability

1. Linear seating arrangement-coded with income 2. Square based arrangement- two variable 3. Miscellaneous 4. Floor puzzle with blood relation

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Caselet Based on double Venn diagram - 4Q 2. Table DI and Caselet based on variables - 4Q 3. Line graph based on variable - 4Q 4. Application sums - 4Q (Based on variables and new pattern) 5. Double Pie chart - 4Q


1. Cloze test(Word replacement)- 5 ques 2. Sentence rearrangement (Eliminate odd one)- 5ques 3. Inappropriate word finding- 5ques 4. Word usage (Inappropriate finding)- 5ques

Day 33


Reasoning Ability

1. Direction sense with blood relation 2. Lane based puzzle 3. reverse syllogism 4. circular seating arrangement perimeter based

Quantitative Aptitude

1.Cumulative DI - 4Q (Based on average) 2.Missing table With statement - 4Q 3.Caselet (based on probability) - 4Q 4.Quantity I, II and III - 4Q 5.Application Sums - 4Q


1. Error spotting(Finding correct part)- 5ques 2. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 3. Sentence improvement (Phrasal replacement)- 5ques 4. Word replacement (Double fillers)- 5ques

Day 34


Reasoning Ability

1. Concentric rectangular arrangement 2. Project based puzzle 3. Fillup based syllogism 4. Number series-two row based

Quantitative Aptitude

1.Cumulative DI based on missing table chart - 4Q 2.Application based caselet ( Average) -4Q 3.Candle stick DI with notes -4Q 4.Missing table chart with notes ( Mixture and allegation based) - 4Q 5. Pie chart with Missing table DI with notes - 4Q


1. Parajumble (different activities)-5 questions 2. Word swapping(inappropriate replacement)- 5ques 3. Double fillers9pair of words)- 5ques 4. Paragraph completion(Choosing suitable sentence)- 5 ques

Day 35

Reasoning Ability

1. Arrangement 1 2 3 based seating 2. Input output-box type 3. Rectangular seating two table with two variables 4. coloumn based syllogism

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Quantity I, II and III - 3Q 2. Caselet based on Venn diagram - 3Q 3. Table chart based on Profit and loss with notes - 4Q 4. Bar graph based on ratio and variable - 4Q 5. Caselet based on Time and distance - 3Q 6. Line graph based on average and notes - 3Q


1. Match the column(Connector based)- 5 ques 2. Word usage (Finding opposite sentence)- 5ques 3. Sentence improvement(Phrasal replacement)- 5ques 4. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 5ques

Day 36

Reasoning Ability

1. circular arrangement two table based 2. Unknown linear arrangement -distance based 3. Month with year based puzzle with blood relation 4. Syllogism with inequality

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Bar Graph based on Partnership - 4Q 2. Caselet based on SI and CI-4Q 3. Table DI with statements with notes-4Q 4. Line graph with missing table with notes - 4Q 5. Radar graph with Missing table with notes -4Q


1. Parajumble(Swapping all sentence)- 5ques 2. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 3. Starters- 3 ques 4. Word arrangement - 5ques

Day 37

Reasoning Ability

1.Designation puzzle with blood relation 2. Three row based seating arrangement 3.logiacal reasoning 4. Seating/puzzle-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Pie chart based on percentage distribution and difference - 4Q 2. Bar graph and Pie chart based on notes - 4Q 3. Table DI based on statements and ratio - 4Q 4. Line graph based on percentage and variable - 4Q 5. Application sums based on new pattern - 4Q


1. Cloze test- 5 ques 2. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques 3. Sentence rearrangement (Already fixed)- 5ques 4. Vocabulary identity(Three words highlighted)- 5ques

Day 38

Reasoning Ability

1. Month puzzle with blood relation 2. Box puzzle with vacant based 3. Column based inequality 4. Miscellaneous

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Table chart + Pie chart - 4Q 2. Line graph based on partnership - 4Q 3. Missing table DI + Caselet based on variables - 4Q 4. Funnel DI based on notes - 4Q 5. Data sufficiency Based on three statements - 4Q


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques 3. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques 4. Sentence odd finding (Theme based)- 3 ques

Day 39

Reasoning Ability

1. Four parallel row with distance 2. Data sufficiency new type (column Based) 3.Unknown box puzzle 4. coding decoding condition based

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Pie chart with missing table with notes ( variable based)-3Q 2. Table DI with statements with notes ( tricky) -4Q 3. Bargraph with missing table with notes ( boat and stream based) -3Q 4. Line graph with notes variable based (tricky)-4Q 5. Missing Table DI based on mixture and allegation -4Q 6. Caselet based on Profit and loss - 2Q


1. Match the column (Connector based)- 5ques 2. Sentence completion- 5ques 3. Cloze test(Fillers based) - 5 ques 4. Parajumble- 5 ques

Day 40

Reasoning Ability

1. Unknown month with date based puzzle with blood relation 2. Floor puzzle multiple factor based 3. Concentric square arrangement with blood relation 4. Seating arrangement/puzzle-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Table DI - 4Q 2. Caselet based on Partnership variable based - 4Q 3. Bargraph based on Profit and loss variable based - 4Q 4. Missing Table DI with notes ( variable based) - 4Q 5. Line graph based on difference - 4Q


1. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques 2. Paragraph completion(Choosing suitable sentence)- 5 ques 3. Multiple fillers- 5ques 4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques

Day 41

Reasoning Ability

1.Unknown Box with stack two variables 2. week based puzzle 3.Misc 4. Direction sense new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Missing table DI based on equation - 4Q 2. Pie chart + Cumulative DI based on variable - 4Q 3. Data sufficiency based on three statements - 3Q 4. Caselet based on percentage - 4Q 5. Bar graph based on percentage and variable - 2Q 6. Caselet based on Venn diagram - 2Q


1. Match the column(Three column based)- 5ques 2. Cloze test(Multiple task)- 6 ques 3. Word swapping(Based on two sentence)- 5ques 4. Single fillers (word given)- 5ques

Day 42

Reasoning Ability

1. Parallel arrangement with conditions 2. Circular arrangement two table based with blood relation 3. Diagram based puzzle 4. Month with year-vacant based

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Table DI based on notes - 4Q 2. Quantity I and II - 2Q 3. Number series based on new pattern - 2Q 4. Double pie chart based on variables - 4Q 5. Bar graph based on Variable and partnership - 4Q 6. Caselet based on marks - 4Q


1. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 4ques 2. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 3. Connectors (Providing three sentence-connector given )- 4 ques 4. Double fillers(Multiple options)- 5ques

Day 43

Reasoning Ability

1. Square seating arrangement with vacant 2. Sequence puzzle two variables 3. Syllogism normal type 4. Blood relation paragraph based

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Funnel DI based on Time and speed - 4Q 2. Table DI based on statements and Boats and stream - 4Q 3. Data sufficiency based on variables (2 statements) - 4Q 4. Pie chart based on variable with number series - 4Q 5. Caselet based on permutation and combination - 4Q


1. Word usage (Use different words in each sentence)- 4ques 2. Parajumble (Multiple task)- 5ques 3. Sentence improvement(Two phrases highlighted)- 5ques 4. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques

Day 44

Reasoning Ability

1. Month with date puzzle-vacant based 2. Day based puzzle with blood relation 3. Parallel arrangement with distance 4. Number series-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Scatter DI - 4Q (Based on ratio) 2.Table DI (based on Time, speed and distance) - 4Q 3.Caselet (Based on Average) - 4Q 4.Data sufficiency (3 statements )- 4Q 5.Number series (Variable based new pattern) - 4Q


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Error spotting(Finding two incorrect parts)- 5ques 3. Sentence completion- 5ques 4. Triple fillers(Match the column based)- 5ques

Day 45

Reasoning Ability

1. Unknown linear arrangement with distance two variables 2. coding decoding fillup type 3. Concentric Circular seating with Perimeter 4. Seating/puzzle-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Bar graph based on ratio and notes - 4Q 2. Caselet based on Pipes and Cistern - 3Q 3. Quadratic equation based on column - 3Q 4. Line graph based on SI and CI - 4Q 5. Table chart based on Partnership with notes - 4Q 6. Double pie chart based on degree distribution with notes - 2Q


1. Word replacement (Double fillers)- 5ques 2. Cloze test(Word replacement)- 5 ques 3. Sentence rearrangement (Eliminate odd one)- 5ques 4. Inappropriate word finding- 5ques

Day 46

Reasoning Ability

1. Year puzzle with blood relation 2. Designation puzzle vacant based 3. Floor with flat puzzle-vacant based 4. Condition based alphanumeric series

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Table chart + Pie chart based on pipes and cistern with notes - 4Q 2. Quantity I and II - 4Q 3. Bar graph - Based on Train - 4Q 4.Cumulative di based on notes - 4Q 5. Quadratic equation based on variable - 4Q


1. Reading comprehension- 7 ques 2. Word usage (Inappropriate finding)- 5ques 3. Error spotting(Finding correct part)- 5ques 4. Sentence improvement (Phrasal replacement)- 5ques

Day 47

Reasoning Ability

1. Table based puzzle designation based - Logical Type 2. Linear seating arrangement bidirectional with conditions 3. Misc 4. Seating/puzzle-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Caselet based on train - 4Q 2. Pie chart + notes based on Time and work - 4Q 3. Quantity I, II and III - 3Q 4. Table DI based on statements and variable - 4Q 5. Line graph Based on probability - 3Q 6. Bar graph based on notes - 2Q


1. Paragraph completion(Choosing suitable sentence)- 5 ques 2. Parajumble (different activities)-5 questions 3. Word swapping(inappropriate replacement)- 5ques 4. Double fillers9pair of words)- 5ques

Day 48

Reasoning Ability

1. Parallel arrangement with two variable 2. Miscellaneous 3. Circular arrangement with vacant 4. Order and ranking with blood relation

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Missing table DI with notes - 4Q 2. Caselet based on partnership - 3Q 3. Double pie chart based on variable - 4Q 4. Table DI based on average and notes - 4Q 5. Number series based on variables - 3Q 6. Bar graph based on variables - 2Q


1. Match the column(Connector based)- 5 ques 2. Starters- 3 ques 3. Error spotting(Sentence model)- 5ques 4. Reading comprehension- 7 ques

Day 49

Reasoning Ability

1. Floor puzzle-unknown person living 2. coded direction sense 3.chocolate type blood relation with linear seating 4. Input output-new type

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Pie chart with line graph arithmetic based - 4Q 2. Application sums new pattern-4Q 3. Bar Graph DI with notes -4Q 4. Caselet DI Logical based-4Q 5. Line graph based on formula with notes-4Q


1. Parajumble(Swapping all sentence)- 5ques 2. Word arrangement - 5ques 3. Sentence improvement(Phrasal replacement)- 5ques 4. Word usage (Finding opposite sentence)- 5ques

Day 50

Reasoning Ability

1. Coded type puzzle 2. Box with stack puzzle two variable 3. Week based puzzle 4. Logical reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

1. Application sums - 4Q 2. Pie chart based on Train - 4Q 3. Table chart based on notes - 4Q 4. Line graph based on pipes and cistern - 4Q 5. Bubble graph based on notes and variables - 4Q


1. Sentence rearrangement (Already fixed)- 5ques 2. Cloze test- 5 ques 3. Error spotting(Finding incorrect part)- 5ques 4. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques