Reasoning Ability
Quantitative Aptitude
English Language
Day 1
Reasoning Ability
1.Square based seating arrangement -5 ques
2.Sequence based puzzle-5 ques
3.Box puzzle-Two variable-5 ques
4.Parallel row based seating arrangement-Two variable-5 ques
Score Booster: Inequality+Coding decoding+Syllogism+Blood relation=20 que
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart - 5Q
2. Line graph - 5Q
3. Caselet- 5Q
4. Application sums :
a. Trains
b. Averages
c. Mensuration
d. Profit and Loss
e. Number system
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Double fillers(Pair of words given in options)- 5ques
2. Error spotting-(divided into five parts) - 5ques
3. Misspelt/inappropriate - 5ques
4. Close test(word replacement) - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Match the column - 12ques
Day 2
Reasoning Ability
1. Month based puzzle-two variable-5 ques
2. Unknown linear arrangement-5 ques
3.Table based puzzle-5 ques
4. Floor based puzzle-5 ques
Score Booster: Syllogism+Inequality+Blood relation+Number series=20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Missing table chart - 5Q
2. Bar graph - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Percentage
b. Trains
c. Probability
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Partnership
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Ages
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Sentence improvement(Replacement) - 5ques
2. Match the column(connector based)- 5 ques
3. Double fillers(Word replacement) - 5ques
4. Word swapping- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Mispelt word - 12ques
Day 3
Reasoning Ability
1. Sequence based puzzle-5 ques
2.Day based puzzle-5 ques
3.Month with date based puzzle with vacant-5 ques
4.Linear arrangement-5 ques
Score Booster: Coding decoding+Syllogism+Blood relation+Inequality=20 que
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart - 5Q
2. Line graph- 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI
b. Partnership
c. Mixture and allegation
d. Ages
e. Profit and Loss
f. Boats and stream
g. Time and work
h. Mensuration
i. Time and distance
j. Averages
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. word usage (Parts of speech) - 5ques
2. Word swapping (Three words highlighted) - 5ques
3. Close test - 5 ques
4. Sentence improvement(Replacement)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Single Filler- 12ques
Day 4
Reasoning Ability
1. Box based puzzle -5 ques
2. Month based puzzle-two variable-5 ques
3. Unknown linear arrangement-5 ques
4. Square based seating arrangement-5 ques
Score Booster: Syllogism+Blood relation+Number series+Inequality=20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet- 5Q
2. Bar graph- 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion
b. Ages
c. Trains
d. Mixture and allegation
e. Profit and Loss
f. Time and work
g. SI and CI
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Partnership
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Match the column(Sentence completion) - 5 ques
2. Double filler(word replacement) - 5ques
3. Sentence improvement (error detection model) - 5ques
4. Word swapping- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Sentence rearrangement - 12ques
Day 5
Reasoning Ability
1. Age based puzzle-5 ques
2. Rectangular seating arrangement-2 variable-5 ques
3. Floor based puzzle -2 variable-5 ques
4. Circular arrangement-5 ques
Score Booster: Syllogism+Inequality+Data sufficiency+ Order and ranking = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet- 5Q
2. Missing table chart- 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Trains
b. Percentage
c. Ages
d. SI and CI
e. Profit and Loss
f. Pipes and cisterns
g. Partnership
h. Mensuration
i. Boats and stream
j. Mixture and allegation
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Single filler (Two statement given) - 5ques
2. Match the column(Based on connector) - 5ques
3. Error detection(Sentence model) - 5 ques
4. Sentence rearrangement (Already fixed)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + close test - 12ques
Day 6
Reasoning Ability
1. Month with year based puzzle (2 variable) - 5ques
2. Unknown linear arrangement - 5ques
3. Year puzzle - 5ques
4. Parallel arrangement - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Blood relation + Direction sense = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Radar graph - Based on income and expenditure - 5Q
2. Line graph - Based on percentage - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Mixture and allegation - Based on Replacement - 1Q
b. Ages - Based on variable - 1Q
c. Time and distance - Based on Chasing - 1Q
d. Partnership - Based on total Profit - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - X sold the book to Y and Y sold the same book to Z - 1Q
f. Pipes and cisterns - Based on variables - 1Q
g. SI and CI - Based on rate of interest - 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on scalene triangle - 1Q
i. Boats and stream - Based on variable - 1Q
j. Averages - Based on Mean, Median and Mode- 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Sentence rearrangement - 5ques
2. Match the column(Based on connector) - 5ques
3. Sentence improvement (Replacement)- 5ques
4. Close test - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Error detection- 12ques
Day 7
Reasoning Ability
1. Circular arrangement facing outside- 5ques
2. Box with stack based puzzle - 5ques
3. Group/Table based puzzle- 5ques
4. Floor based puzzle (2 variable) - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Order and ranking + Misc = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph - Based on total, difference & note - 5Q
2. Table chart - Based on cumulative - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion - Based on population - 1Q
b. Time and distance - Based on relative speed - 1Q
c. Boats and stream - Based on Miscellaneous - 1Q
d. SI and CI - CI based on based on Rate of Interest on yearly - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Based on successive discount - 1Q
f. Partnership - Based on variable - 1Q
g. Time and work - Based on Fraction Based - 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on isosceles triangle - 1Q
i. Mixture and allegation - Based on compound mixture - 1Q
j. Ages - Based on Older/ Younger - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Vocabulary identity(Choosing similar pair of words)- 5ques
2. Single filler (Single blank)- 5ques
3. Para jumble - 5 ques
4. Error detection- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close test- 12ques
Day 8
Reasoning Ability
1.Linear arrangement-two variable -5 ques
2.Floor with flat puzzle-5 ques
3.Day based puzzle-5 ques
4.Month based puzzle-5 ques
Score Booster: Syllogism+Input output+Number series+Inequality=20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph - Based on direct value and notes - 5Q
2. Pie chart - Based on Percentage and Ratio - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion - Based on ages - 1Q
b. Trains - Based on relative speed - 1Q
c. Boats and stream - Based on along with stream & against the stream - 1Q
d. SI and CI - CI based on based on Principal - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Based on ratio - 1Q
f. Partnership - Based on working partner - 1Q
g. Pipes and cisterns - Based on Capacity - 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on sphere - 1Q
i. Mixture and allegation - Based on quantity - 1Q
j. Averages - Based on overall averages - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Word swapping- 5ques
2. Double filler(word replacement) - 5ques
3. Sentence improvement (error detection model) - 5ques
4. Match the column(Sentence completion) - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Sentence rearrangement - 12ques
Day 9
Reasoning Ability
1. Square based arrangement facing inside- 5ques
2. Unknown circular arrangement- 5ques
3. Designation puzzle- 5ques
4. Triangular arrangement (2 variable) - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Blood relation + Number series = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph - Based on averages - 5Q
2. Pie chart and table chart - Based on percentage distribution and direct value - 5Q
3. Data sufficiency - 5Q
4. Application sums :
a. SI and CI - CI based on based on Comparison on two CI- 1Q
b. Averages - Based on boys & girls - 1Q
c. Time and distance - Based on Usual Time - 1Q
d. Profit and Loss - Based on Dishonest dealer - 1Q
e. Mensuration - Based on hemisphere - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Word swapping(Based on two sentence)- 5ques
2. Double fillers(Multiple options) - 5ques
3. Close test - 5 ques
4. Sentence rearrangement - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Error detection- 12ques
Day 10
Reasoning Ability
1. Sequence based puzzle- 2 variable-5 ques
2.Parallel seating arrangement-5 ques
3.Table based puzzle-5 ques
4.Circular arrangement-5 ques
Score Booster: Syllogism + Inequality + Coding decoding + Miscellaneous = 20 ques
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet - Based on equation - 5Q
2. Line graph - Based on variable - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Mixture and allegation - Based on simple mixture- 1Q
b. Ages - Based on Miscellaneous- 1Q
c. Trains - Based on same direction - 1Q
d. Partnership - Based on percentage - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Based on percentage - 1Q
f. Time and work - Based on Certain People- 1Q
g. SI and CI - Difference between SI and CI for 3 years - 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on curved/lateral surface area- 1Q
i. Boats and stream - Based on speed increased/decreased- 1Q
j. Percentage - Based on Miscellaneous- 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25\
English Language
1. Vocabulary identity(Sentence model)- 5ques
2. Sentence improvement (Error detection model) - 5ques
3. Double fillers(Multiple options) - 5ques
4. Word swapping(Based on two sentence)- 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Error Detection - 12ques
Day 11
Reasoning Ability
1. Box with stack based puzzle - 5ques
2. Month with date based puzzle (2 variable) - 5ques
3. Data sufficiency - 5ques
4. Word based arrangement - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Order and ranking + Input output = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie Chart - Based on both percentage and degree distribution - 5Q
2. Bar graph - Based on bar graph and note - 5Q
3. Caselet - Based on partnership - 3Q
4. Application sums :
a. Time and work - Based on efficiency - 1Q
b. Trains - Based on Two Trains - 1Q
c. Boats and stream - Based on time taken- 1Q
d. Mensuration - Based on cost of fencing- 1Q
e. Percentage - Based on Successive Percentage - 1Q
f. Probability - Without replacement 1Q
g. Mixture and allegation - Quantity 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Para jumble - 5 ques
2. Sentence improvement (Replacement) - 5ques
3. Double fillers (Mutiple options)- 5ques
4. Word swapping (Based on two sentence) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Match the column- 12ques
Day 12
Reasoning Ability
1. Month based puzzle (2 variable) - 5ques
2. Linear arrangement-facing north - 5ques
3. Square based arrangement facing inside- 5ques
4. Unknown circular arrangement- 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Alphabet series + Coding decoding = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph - Based on direct value - 5Q
2. Quantity I and II - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI - Based on Instalment Based - 1Q
b. Partnership - Based on years - 1Q
c. Mensuration - Based on triangle- 1Q
d. Ages - Based on Twice/Thrice - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Based on mixture - 1Q
f. Ratio and proportion - Based on income of n persons- 1Q
g. Mixture and allegation - Based on Removal/Replacement- 1Q
h. Time and distance - Based on speed - 1Q
i. Boats and stream - Based on Miscellaneous- 1Q
j. Pipes and cisterns - Based onDiameter/ Radius - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Error detection(Divided into five parts)- 5ques
2. Double fillers (Word replacement)- 5ques
3. Vocabulary identity(Choosing similar pair of words)- 5ques
4. Para jumble - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close test- 12ques
Day 13
Reasoning Ability
1.Timing based puzzle - 5ques
2. Unknown floor puzzle - 5ques
3. Hexogonal based arrangement facing inside - 5ques
4. Day based puzzle - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Blood relation + Alphanumeric series = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table Chart - Based on total and percentage- 5Q
2. Bar graph - Based on difference - 5Q
3. Caselet - Based on equation caselet - 5Q
4. Application sums :
a. Time and work - Based on Men & Women- 1Q
b. Trains - Based on Time taken - 1Q
c. Boats and stream - Based on different distance- 1Q
d. Mensuration - Based on trapezium - 1Q
e. Number system - Based on odd or even numbers - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
English Language
1. Word swapping - 5ques
2. Error spotting(Sentence model) - 5ques
3. Sentence rearrangement (Divided into five parts) - 5 ques
4. Vocabulary identity(Match the column)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Mispelt word - 12ques
Day 14
Reasoning Ability
1. Age based puzzle - 5ques
2. Rectangular arrangement - 5ques
3. Month with date based puzzle- Two variable- 5ques
4. Linear arrangement (Bi directional)- 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Blood relation + Number series = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph - Based on direct value and percentage - 5Q
2. Radar graph - Based on direct value (two values) - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion - Based on income of n persons - 1Q
b. Trains - Based on two points - 1Q
c. Boats and stream - Based on distance - 1Q
d. SI and CI - Based on sum doubles or triples itself after certain years - 1Q
e. Number system - Based on consecutive numbers - 1Q
f. Partnership - Based on years - 1Q
g. Time and work - Based on Chain Rule - 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on right angle triangle - 1Q
i. Mixture and allegation - Based on replacement - 1Q
j. Averages - Based on Runs - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Missplet/inappropriate- 5ques
2. Error detection(Sentence model) - 5ques
3. Close test - 5 ques
4. Sentence improvement(Replacement) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Double Filler- 12ques
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
Day 15
Reasoning Ability
1. Day based puzzle - 5ques
2. Circular arrangement (bi directional)- 5ques
3. Box puzzle - 5ques
4. Year based puzzle (2 variable) - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Direction sense + Misc = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart - Based on variables - 5Q
2. Bar graph - Based on difference - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Averages - Based on numbers - 1Q
b. Partnership - Based on Percentage based profit distribution - 1Q
c. Time and distance - Based on two places- 1Q
d. Ratio and proportion - Based on men & women - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Based on variables - 1Q
f. Time and work - Based on Men Vs Women - 1Q
g. SI and CI - Compound interest based on Interest- 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on square - 1Q
i. Boats and stream - Based on speed difference - 1Q
j. Number system - Based on consecutive numbers- 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
English Language
1. Sentence improvement(Replacement) - 5ques
2. Match the column(connector based)- 5 ques
3. Double fillers(Word replacement) - 5ques
4. Word swapping- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Mispelt word - 12ques
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
Day 16
Reasoning Ability
1. Square seating arrangement-bi-directional-5 ques
2.Month based puzzle-5 ques
3.Parallel seating arrangement-two variable-5 ques
4.Floor based puzzle-5 ques
Score Booster: Syllogism + Inequality + Miscellaneous + order and ranking = 20 ques
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph - Based on total and difference - 5Q
2. Table chart - Based on statements - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI - CI based on based on N times - 1Q
b. Partnership - Based on investment time- 1Q
c. Mixture and allegation - Based on rice/wheat varieties - 1Q
d. Ages - Based on Two Persons - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Based on discount and tax - 1Q
f. Boats and stream - Based on different boats - 1Q
g. Time and work - Based on Miscellaneous - 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on parallelogram - 1Q
i. Trains - Based on no length object - 1Q
j. Ratio and proportion - Based on marks - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Vocabulary identity(Choosing similar pair of words) - 5 ques
2. Word usage(Inappropriate) - 5ques
3. Close test- 5ques
4. Single fillers(word given) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Mispelt word- 12ques
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
Day 17
Reasoning Ability
1.Day based puzzle - 5ques
2. Hexogonal based arrangement facing inside - 5ques
3. Unknown floor puzzle - 5ques
4. Data sufficiency- - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Blood relation + Alphanumeric series = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph - Based on total (A+B) and A - 5Q
2. Caselet - Based on Boats and stream - 3Q
3. Data sufficiency - 5Q
4. Application sums :
a. Percentage - Based on Fraction - 1Q
b. Trains - Based on Platform and man - 1Q
c. Averages - Based on Miscellaneous - 1Q
d. Profit and Loss - Based on Dishonest dealer - 1Q
e. Partnership - Based on 3 persons at the different time- 1Q
f. Pipes and cisterns - Based on Bucket - 1Q
g. Mensuration - Based on total surface area- 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Vocabulary identity(Highlighting two words)- 5ques
2. Match the column(Sentence completion)- 5ques
3. Sentence rearrangement(Divided into five parts)- 5ques
4. Para jumble - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Mispelt word- 12ques
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
Day 18
Reasoning Ability
1. Month based puzzle (2 variable) - 5ques
2. Box based puzzle - 5ques
3. Linear arrangement-facing south - 5ques
4. Floor based puzzle - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Number series + Coding decoding = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet - venn diagram equation based - 5Q
2. Missing table Chart - Based on direct value - 5Q
3. Bar graph - Based on Horizontal bar graph - 5Q
4. Application sums :
a. Partnership - Based on Profit ratio- 1Q
b. Pipes and cisterns - Based on Capacity- 1Q
c. Time and distance - Based on relative speed - 1Q
d. Averages - Based on students joined/left - 1Q
e. Mixture and allegation - Based on allegation method - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Misspelt and inappropriate- 5ques
2. Double fillers(Multiple options) - 5ques
3. Word swapping(Between two sentence) - 5ques
4. Close test(Fillers type) - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close test - 12ques
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
Day 19
Reasoning Ability
1. Pentagonal based arrangement facing outside (2 variable) - 5ques
2. Parallel arrangement - 5ques
3. Month with date based puzzle - 5ques
4. Unknown linear arrangement - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Blood relation + Input output = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart - Double pie chart - 5Q
2. Line graph - Based on direct value (two values) - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion - Based on numbers- 1Q
b. Ages - Based on averages - 1Q
c. Trains - Based on platform and man - 1Q
d. Mixture and allegation - Based on variable - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Based on marked price - 1Q
f. Time and work - Based on Alternate days - 1Q
g. SI and CI - Based on Principal - 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on cube - 1Q
i. Boats and stream - Based on ratio - 1Q
j. Partnership- Based on charity - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Word swapping - 5ques
2. Close test - 5ques
3. Double fillers(Pair of words given)- 5ques
4. Match the column(Sentence completion) - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Error detection- 12ques
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
Day 20
Reasoning Ability
1. Floor based puzzle-two variable-5 ques
2. Sequence based puzzle-5 ques
3. Cirucular arrangement-5 ques
4. Square based seating arrangement-5 ques
Score Booster: Alphanumeric series+Miscellanous+Syllogism+Inequality=20 que
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Radar graph - Based on direct value - 5Q
2. Table chart - Based on variable - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion - Based on voting- 1Q
b. Trains - Based on two points - 1Q
c. Boats and stream - Based on boat speed - 1Q
d. SI and CI - CI based on based on Rate of interest on quarterly - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Based on overall profit - 1Q
f. Partnership - Based on compound partnership - 1Q
g. Time and work - Based on Men Vs Women Vs children - 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on Variable - 1Q
i. Mixture and allegation - Based on two vessels - 1Q
j. Ages - Based on Older/ Younger - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Word swapping(Only two words) - 5ques
2. Vocabulary identity(Highlighting two words ) - 5que
3. Single filler (Two statement given))- 5ques
4. Para jumble - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +close test- 12ques
Day 21
Reasoning Ability
1. Parallel arrangement - 5ques
2. Month with date based puzzle - 5ques
3. Triangular arrangement (2 variable) - 5ques
4. Designation based puzzle- 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Direction sense + Alphanumeric series = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Bar graph - Based on total (A+B) and A - 5Q
2. Caselet - Based on Boats and stream - 3Q
3. Data sufficiency - 5Q
4. Application sums :
a. Percentage - Based on Fraction - 1Q
b. Trains - Based on Platform and man - 1Q
c. Averages - Based on Miscellaneous - 1Q
d. Profit and Loss - Based on Dishonest dealer - 1Q
e. Partnership - Based on 3 persons at the different time- 1Q
f. Pipes and cisterns - Based on Bucket - 1Q
g. Mensuration - Based on total surface area- 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. sentence rearrangement(PQRST model)- 5ques
2. Sentence improvement(replacement model)- 5ques
3. Single filler(Two statements given)- 5ques
4. Misspelt/inappropriate - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Close test-12ques
Day 22
Reasoning Ability
1. Floor with flat based puzzle- 5ques
2. Unknown circular arrangement facing outside - 5ques
3. Linear arrangement (2 variable) - 5ques
4. Year puzzle - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Alphabet series + Misc = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Table chart - Based on statements - 5Q
2. Line graph - Based on total and difference - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. SI and CI - CI based on based on N times - 1Q
b. Partnership - Based on investment time- 1Q
c. Mixture and allegation - Based on rice/wheat varieties - 1Q
d. Ages - Based on Two Persons - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Based on discount and tax - 1Q
f. Boats and stream - Based on different boats - 1Q
g. Time and work - Based on Miscellaneous - 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on parallelogram - 1Q
i. Trains - Based on no length object - 1Q
j. Ratio and proportion - Based on marks - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Sentence rearrangement (Divided into five parts) - 5ques
2. Double fillers (Pair of words) - 5ques
3. Para jumble - 5 ques
4. Misspelt/inappropriate - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + Close Test - 12ques
Day 23
Reasoning Ability
1. Circular arrangement facing outside (2 variable) - 5ques
2. Word based arrangement- 5ques
3. Group/Table based puzzle- 5ques
4. Month with date based puzzle- 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Order and ranking + Alphanumeric series = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Pie chart & table chart - Based on degree distribution - 5Q
2. Bar graph - Based on ratio - 5Q
3. Caselet - Based on normal - 5Q
4. Application sums :
a. Trains - Based on Bridge/Tunnel - 1Q
b. Ratio and proportion - Based on variable - 1Q
c. Mixture and allegation - Based on n times - 1Q
d. Profit and Loss - Based on formula - 1Q
e. Mensuration - Based on variables - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Starter - 5ques
2. Para jumble - 5 ques
3. Misspelt/inapprorpiate- 5ques
4. Error detection (Sentence model) - 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +Sentence rearrangement- 12ques
Day 24
Reasoning Ability
1.Sequence based puzzle-2 variable-5 ques
2.Unknown linear seating arrangement-5 ques
3.Year based puzzle-5 ques
4.Floor based puzzle-two variable-5 ques
Score Booster: Syllogism + Inequality + blood relation + Miscellaneous = 20 ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Caselet - Based on venn diagram - 5Q
2. Table chart - Based on statements - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Trains - Based on speed increased/decreased - 1Q
b. Percentage - Based on Increase/Decrease - 1Q
c. Ages - Based on Three Persons - 1Q
d. SI and CI - Based on Compound interest based on Rate of Interest on yearly - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Cost price of X chairs is equal to selling price of Y chairs - 1Q
f. Pipes and cisterns - Based on Inlet & Outlet Pipes - 1Q
g. Mixture and allegation - Based on rice/wheat varieties - 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on Square and rectangle - 1Q
i. Boats and stream - Based on stream speed - 1Q
j. Number system - Based on greatest & smallest number - 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
English Language
1. Vocabulary identity(Match the column)- 5ques
2. Error spotting (Divided into five parts) - 5ques
3. Misspelt/inappropriate- 5ques
4. Para jumble - 5 ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension +double Filler- 12ques
Day 25
Reasoning Ability
1. Data sufficiency - 5ques
2. Month with date based puzzle (2 variable) - 5ques
3. Day based puzzle - 5ques
4. Word based arrangement - 5ques
Score Booster : Syllogism + Inequality + Blood relation + Input output = 20ques
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Line graph - Based on direct value (three values) - 5Q
2. Pie chart - Based on % distribution and note - 5Q
3. Application sums :
a. Ratio and proportion - Based on averages - 1Q
b. Trains - Based on platform & pole - 1Q
c. Boats and stream - Based on speed decreased - 1Q
d. SI and CI - Based on interest - 1Q
e. Profit and Loss - Based on actual & increased price - 1Q
f. Partnership - Based on investment time - 1Q
g. Time and work - Based on Before Completion- 1Q
h. Mensuration - Based on parallelogram - 1Q
i. Mixture and allegation - Based on ratio - 1Q
j. Ages - Based on ratio- 1Q
Score Booster : Simplification + Approximation + Missing Number series + Wrong Number Series + Quadratic Equation - 25Q
(Exact Exam Level Question for Practice available only in Quiz Format)
English Language
1. Error detection(Sentence model) - 5 ques
2. Match the column(Based on connector) - 5ques
3. Single filler (Two statement given) - 5ques
4. Sentence rearrangement (Already fixed)- 5ques
Score Booster : Reading comprehension + close test - 12ques