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Course Content
Quantitative Aptitude
24 Topics | 164 Videos
Quantitative Aptitude by Guna sir
11 Topics | 68 Videos
Quantitative Aptitude back
4 Videos

ages - ratio based type-1

40:13 Mins

ages equation video no - 3

ages - equation video - 4

ages - intro ratio based type 2

25:10 Mins
Simple Interest & Compound Interest
10 Videos

simple interest - basic & introduction - video no - 01

35:57 Mins

si ci video no - 10

compound interest - basic & introduction - video no -02

28:15 Mins

compound interest - effective percentage - video no - 03

25:29 Mins

simple interest - rate based - video no - 04

30:04 Mins

simple interest - rate based - video no - 05

32:43 Mins

compound intrest - rate based - video no - 06

34:52 Mins

difference between ci & si - video no - 07

32:17 Mins

compound interest - half yearly - video no - 08

32:59 Mins

compound - quarterly - video no - 09

16:09 Mins
Problems On Trains
4 Videos

problems on train - introduction - video no - 01

23:42 Mins

problems on train - platform/bridge - video no - 02

21:46 Mins

problems on trains - two trains meet opposite direction - video no - 03

20:53 Mins

problems on train - two trains meet same direction - video no - 04

20:33 Mins
1 Videos

quantitative aptitude introduction

08:56 Mins
Boats And Streams
6 Videos

boats and streams - introduction & basics - video no - 01

19:28 Mins

boats and stream - video no - 06

boats and streams - video no - 02

22:31 Mins

boats and streams - video no - 03

29:46 Mins

boats and streams - video no - 04

18:58 Mins

boats and streams - average speed - video no - 05

18:26 Mins
10 Videos

percentage introduction & basics - video no - 01

39:31 Mins

percentage - fractions - video no - 02

40:41 Mins

percentage - salary- video no - 03

30:35 Mins

percentage - increase / decrease - video no - 04

37:21 Mins

percentage - income / savings - video no - 05

28:28 Mins

percentage - votes - video no - 06

31:35 Mins

percentage - price & consumpiton - video no - 07

37:21 Mins

percentage - population - video no - 08

percentage - population - video no - 09

percentage - video no - 10

5 Videos

pipes & cisterns - introduction & concept - video no - 01

48:22 Mins

pipes & cisterns - basic questions - video no - 02

19:32 Mins

pipes and cistern - efficiency - video no - 03

13:42 Mins

pipes and cistern - alternate - video no 04

13:17 Mins

pipes and cistern - remaining work concept - video no - 05

23:25 Mins
Profit And Loss
17 Videos

profit & loss - introduction & basics - video no - 01

44:53 Mins

profit and loss - cp / sp - video no -02

39:18 Mins

profit and loss - a to b - b to c sold - video - n0 -03

42:42 Mins

profit and loss - marked price & discount - video no - 04

33:36 Mins

profit & loss - successive discount - video no - 05

01:25:36 Mins

profit and loss - super smart techniques - video no - 06

43:46 Mins

profit and loss - super smart techniques - video no - 07

38:03 Mins

profit and loss - mp -sp - discount - fraction method - video no - 08

profit and loss - mp - sp - discount - fraction method - video no - 09

profit and loss - mp - sp - discount - fraction method - video no - 10

profit and loss - mp - sp - discount - video no - 11

profit and loss - video no - 12

profit and loss - consecutive sold - video no - 13

profit and loss - consecutive sold - video no - 14

profit and loss - alligation - video no - 15

profit and loss - alligation - video no - 16

profit and loss - equation - video no - 17

Ratio & Proportion
5 Videos

ratio -introduction - video no- 01

39:08 Mins

ratio - video no - 02

11:31 Mins

ratio - video no - 03

38:48 Mins

ratio - video - no - 04

27:34 Mins

ratio - coins - video no - 05

18:59 Mins
10 Videos

square root & cube root

34:21 Mins

speed maths - addition/subtraction

18:01 Mins

speed maths - squares

22:40 Mins

speed maths - divisibility rule - 01 to 13

25:01 Mins

multiplication tricks - 99, 998 & 999

19:49 Mins

square tricks ( ends with 5 )

08:04 Mins

divide by 5 , 25 & 125

12:52 Mins

multiplication tricks - 100, 1000 & 10000

25:19 Mins

speed maths - multiplication

33:54 Mins

mulitplication - 5, 25 & 125

21:05 Mins
Time And Work
10 Videos

time & work - intro & basics - video - 01

50:59 Mins

time and work - chain rule - video no - 02

33:42 Mins

time and work - wages - video no - 03

44:45 Mins

time & work - efficiency - video no - 04

25:05 Mins

time and work - leaving/ joining- video no - 05

22:11 Mins

time and work - and /or - video no - 06

15:16 Mins

time & work - alternate days - video no - 07

28:16 Mins

time & work - chain rule - video no - 08

time and work - efficiency - video no - 09

time and work quantity video no - 10

Data Interpretation
20 Videos

data interpretation - introduction

25:12 Mins

data interpretation - tables

30:27 Mins

data interpretation - line graph

37:56 Mins

data interpretation - pie chart

31:17 Mins

data interpretation - bar graph

20:40 Mins

time & work based di

16:16 Mins

income expenditure di

13:51 Mins

probability di

13:48 Mins

profit & loss di

20:39 Mins

pipes & cistern di 1

22:03 Mins

time and distance based di

15:16 Mins

profit and loss based di

18:09 Mins

probability based di

boats and stream di

20:08 Mins

time and work based di

20:27 Mins

si ci based di 1

16:48 Mins

data interpretation - bargraph + tables

22:40 Mins

pipe & cistern di 2

20:09 Mins

si ci based di 2

19:19 Mins

time & work di 2

12:51 Mins
Quadratic Equation
6 Videos

quadratic equation - introduction

43:42 Mins

quadratic equation type 01

10:22 Mins

quadratic equation - type 02

24:27 Mins

quadratic equations - part 1

17:09 Mins

quadratic equations - part 2

16:54 Mins

quadratic equations - part 3

19:05 Mins
8 Videos

allegation - introduction - video no - 01

36:13 Mins

mixture & allegation - rice based sums - 2 varities - vidoe no - 02

mixture or allegation - rice based sums - 3 varieties - video no - 03

mixture - removal & replacement - video no - 04

46:16 Mins

mixture - removal & replacement - video no - 05

46:06 Mins

mixture or allegation - ratio based - video no - 06

mixture or allegation - ratio based - video no - 07

mixture or allegation - ratio based - video no - 08

4 Videos

simplification - percentage tricks

17:25 Mins

simplification - set 1

simplification - set 2

simplification - set 3

9 Videos

partnership - different capital invested for different time period

09:32 Mins

partnership - different capital invested for equal time period

22:50 Mins

partnership - same capital invested for different time period

09:45 Mins

partnership - intro

05:33 Mins

partnership - video no - 05

partnership - video no - 06

partnership - video no - 07

partnership - video no - 08

partnership - video no - 09

5 Videos

average - introductions

12:23 Mins

average - consecutive no

40:30 Mins

average - included & excluded

30:53 Mins

average - marks misread

21:01 Mins

average - removing and replacing

31:39 Mins
4 Videos

probability - coins

14:25 Mins

probability - dice

12:35 Mins

probability - two balls

20:55 Mins

probability - three balls

32:13 Mins
3 Videos

permutation - different ways to words can be arranged

13:37 Mins

permutation - vowels come together

17:45 Mins

permutation - vowels never come together

06:42 Mins
Time And Distance
9 Videos

time & distance - introduction - video no - 01

14:13 Mins

time and distance - relative speed - vide0 n0 - 02

28:21 Mins

time and distance - police thief - video no 03

30:25 Mins

time and distance - police & thief - video no - 04

18:38 Mins

time and distance - late & early - video no 05

20:30 Mins

time and distance - late & early - video no 06

22:11 Mins

time and distance - average speed - video no 07

25:02 Mins

time and distance - average speed - video no 08

23:29 Mins

time and distance - video no - 09

15:05 Mins
Quantity I And Ii
1 Videos

aptitude inequality

01:13:12 Mins
8 Videos

mensuration squre part - 1

mesuration - circle part 1

mensuration rectangle part - 2

mensuration squre part - 2

mensuration cube part - 1

mensuration cube part - 2

mensuration cube part - 3

mensuration rectangle part - 1

3 Videos

number series - missing number

number series - introduction

number series - wrong number

Data sufficiency
2 Videos

data sufficiency part - 1

data sufficiency part - 2

Quantitative Aptitude by Guna sir back
1 Videos

quants - introduction

Speed Maths
3 Videos

speed maths, multiplication - 1

multiplication - 2

finding square

4 Videos

vbodmas method

unit digit method

digital sum method

surds & indices

12 Videos

percentage - 1

percentage - 2

percentage - 3

percentage - 4

percentage comparison

percentage comparison - 2

percentage increase or decrease - 1

percentage increase or decrease - 2

percentage of percentage - 1

percentage of percentage - 2

successive percentage

percentage - election concept

Ratio & Proportion
9 Videos

01 - ratio & proportion - 1 (basics)

02 - ratio & proportion - 2 (basics)

03 - ratio & proportion - 3 (basics)

04 - ratio & proportion - coin based sums

05 - ratio & proportion - quantity based sums

06 - income & expenditure

07 - ratio & proportion - shape based sums

08 - ratio & proportion - share based sums

09 - ratio & proportion - population based sums

4 Videos

01 - partnership concept - 1

02 - partnership concept - 2

03 - partnership concept - 3

04 partnership - 4

7 Videos

01 average introduction

02 average based on numbers - 1

03 average based on numbers - 2

04 average based on ages (joining , leaving & replacement method )

05 average based on marks

06 average based on weight

07 average based on runs

7 Videos

01 mixture & alligation - simple mixture

02 mixture & alligation removal and replacement

03 mixture & alligation removal and replacement of n times

04 mixture & alligation - 4

05 mixture & alligation - 5

06 mixture & alligation - finding x value

07 mixture & alligation - miscellaneous

Profit & Loss
8 Videos

01 profit & loss - intoduction

02 profit & loss - 2

03 profit & loss - two articles part - 1

04 profit & loss - two articles part - 2

05 profit & loss marked price and discount

06 profit & loss articles based sums

07 profit & loss - dishonest dealer

08 profit & loss - miscellaneous

simple interest
6 Videos

01 simple interest basic concept

02 simple interest - 2

03 simple interest - finding rate

04 simple interest - n times

05 simple interest - comparison of two sis

06 simple interest - comparison of two sis - 2

Compound interest
7 Videos

01 coumpound interest basic concept

02 coumpound interest basic concept - 2

03 compounded half yearly

04 compounded quarterly

05 how to find rate and time period

06 coumpound interest - n times

07 comparison two cis
