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Course Content
English Language By Abith Sir
8 Topics | 72 Videos
English Language
10 Topics | 104 Videos
English Language By Abith Sir back
1 Videos

course introduction

21 Videos

subject verb - 1

subject and verb - 2

parts of speech noun - 1

parts of speech

parts of speech - 2

tenses - basics

voices - 1

voices - 2


non finite verbs - 1

non finite verbs - 2


s-v agreement - 1

s-v agreement - 2

if conditionals

who vs whom - 1

who vs whom - 2

which vs that

basic full revision

pronoun - 1

pronoun - 2

20 Videos

phrasal verbs - 1

phrasal verbs - 2

phrasal verbs - 3

phrasal verbs - 1 to 3 revision

phrases additional - 1

phrases additional - 2

phrases additional - 3

phrases revision & test - 1

phrases revision & test - 2

story - 1a

story - 1b

story 1-c

story - 1 revision

story - 2a

story - 2a

story - 2b

story 2 revision

story - 3a

story - 3b

story - 3 revision

6 Videos

root words - 1

root words - 2

root words - 3

root words - 4

root words - revision

root words - 5 (6/10/2022) new

5 Videos

rc - 1

rc - 2

rc - 3

rc - 4

rc - 5

9 Videos

sentence splitting - 1

sentence splitting - 2

sentence splitting - 3

sentence splitting - 4

sentence splitting - 5

sentence splitting - 6

sentence splitting - 7

sentence splitting - 8

sentence splitting - 9

6 Videos

parajumbles - 1

parajumbles - 2

parajumbles - 3

parajumbles - 4

parajumbles - 5

parajumble - 6 (6/10/2022) new

4 Videos

preposition - 1

preposition - 2

preposition - 3

of preposition (5/10/2022) new

English Language back
English Vocabulary
21 Videos

meme vocabs - 1 (7th july 2022) Take Test

meme vocabs - 2 (9th july 2022) Take Test

meme vocabs - 3 (14th july 2022) Take Test

meme vocabs - 4 (16th july 2022) Take Test

meme vocabs - revision (18th july 2022)

meme vocabs revision -2 (22nd july 2022)

meme vocabs revision - 3 (30th aug 2022)

root words revision (31st aug 2022)

story vocabs (9th sep 2022)

root words revision 2 (1st sep 2022)

understanding the editorial (11th sep 2022)

story vocabs 2 (10th sep 2022)

story vocabs 3 (12th sep 2022)

english vocabs free test - 1 (26th sep 2022) Take Test

english vocabs free test - 2 (16th sep 2022) Take Test

understanding the editorial 2 (14th sep 2022)

editorial and vocabs (16th sep 2022)

inversion - advanced concepts (17th sep 2022)

editorial vocabs (18th sep 2022)

understanding the editorial- (20th sep 2022)

new pattern questions (22nd sep 2022)

4 Videos

para jumble (1st sep 2022)

parajumbles 2 (5th sep 2022)

parajumble 3 (6th sep 2022)

parajumble 4 (7th sep 2022)

2 Videos

fixed preposition (26th aug 2022)

fixed preposition part 2 (27th aug 2022)

Idioms & Phrases
1 Videos

idioms and phrases -1 (29th aug 2022)

1 Videos

mains fillers (14th sep 2022)

Error Spotting
1 Videos

error - 1 (21st sep 2022)

SBI Clerk Prelims
25 Videos

sbi prelims class - 1

confusing words and parajumbles (1/10/2022)

sbi prelims class - 2

prelims mock - 1

confusing words -2 (3/10/2022)

confusing words - 3 and editorial (4/10/2022)

mock approach -1 (12-10-2022)

mock approach - 2 (13-10-2022)

mock approach - 3 (14-10-2022)

story vocab and comprehension -1 (17-10-2022)

story vocabs and comprehension -2 (19-10-2022)

editorial understanding -1 (21-10-2022)

editorial understanding - 2 (22-10-2022)

meme vocabs - 1 (23 - 10 - 2022)

meme vocabs 2 + live parajumble (25 - 10 - 2022)

meme vocabs 4+ sentence splitting (28 oct 2022)

meme vocabs 5 + sentence splitting (29 oct 2022)

connectors - practice questions (2 nov 2022)

sbi live test correction (3 nov 2022)

story vocab-1 (5 nov 2022)

story vocab-2 (6 nov 2022)

english vocab test (100 qs) (10/11/2022) Take Test

sbi clerk memory based question - live test (17/11/2022)

sbi 2022 memory based + vocab revision (18/11/2022)

ibps po sectional+ vocab revision (22/11/2022)

3 Videos

verbal reasoning - 2

statement assumption-1 (24th aug 2022)

verbal reasoning (26th july 2022)

Cloze Test
1 Videos

cloze test (12th sep 2022)

SBI Clerk Mains
45 Videos

live mains mock | approach and strategy -1 (20 - 10 - 2022)

mains mock -1 class (5/10/2022)

mains fillers and colums (4 nov 2022)

ibps po mains mock correction -1 (8/11/2022)

error spotting - mains (9.10.2022)

ibps po mains mock correction -2 (9/11/2022)

error spotting mains -2 (11.10.2022)

ibps po mains mini mock (10/11/2022)

vocab revision + po mains correction (11/11/2022)

ibps po mains sectional live mock

sectional mock correction+ vocab revision (16/11/2022)

sbi/ ibps mains error questions (23/11/2022)

ibps po full mock (24/11/2022)

editorial understanding (29/11/2022)

editorial continued (30/11/2022)

sbi po mock corrections (2/12/2022)

sbi po mains correction 1 (4/12/2022)

modals (6/12/2022)

models - 2 (7/12/2022)

editorial understanding (8/12/2022)

sbi po live mock (1/12/2022)

editorial understanding - 2 (9/12/2022)

idioms and phrases (11/12/2022)

editorial understanding 3

idioms and phrases 2 + vocab revision (14/12/2022)

critical reasoning+ vocab revision (15.12.2022)

critical reasoning+ vocab revision - 2 Take Test

mains story vocabs Take Test

mains story vocabs 2 Take Test

critical reasoning

critical reasoning 2

mains story vocabs 3

messi editorial


critical reasoning

critical reasoning - sbi clerk mains

sbi clerk mains mock

editorial understanding

editorial continued

sbi clerk mains memory based paper

sbi clerk mock approach

hero test correction

hero test correction 2

idioms revision

modals revision
