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Course Content
Quantitative Aptitude
2 Topics | 36 Videos
Reasoning Ability
2 Topics | 26 Videos
English Language
3 Topics | 77 Videos
Quantitative Aptitude back
SBI Clerk Prelims
20 Videos

vedic maths

vedic maths 2


number series

quadratic equation

di line chart

percentage class 1

permutation and combination

percentage 1 and 2


combination and probability

di basics

profit and loss

percentage 3

di tables

profit and loss - 3

di bar chart

missed di & caselet

caselet di


SBI Clerk Mains
16 Videos

mains class 1

mains class 2

mains class 3

mains class 4

mains class 5

mains class 6

mains class 7

mains class - 8

mains class - 9

mains class - 10

mains class - 11

mains class - 12

mains class - 13

mains class - 14

mains class - 16

mains class - 17

Reasoning Ability back
SBI Clerk Prelims
14 Videos

coding decoding - prelims

linear arrangement

alphanumeric series - prelims

alphabet sequence - prelims

number sequence

inequality - prelims

syllogism - prelims

direction - prelims

blood relation

circular arrangements

input and output - prelims

triangular arrangements

box puzzle

square and rectangular arrangements

SBI Clerk Mains
12 Videos

coding decoding mains

alphanumeric mains

alphabet series mains

number sequence




blood relation

order and ranking mains

input output

reasoning miscellaneous

puzzle and seating arrangements set 1

English Language back
SBI Clerk Prelims
22 Videos

confusing words and parajumbles (1/10/2022)

confusing words -2 (3/10/2022)

confusing words - 3 and editorial (4/10/2022)

mock approach -1 (12-10-2022)

mock approach - 2 (13-10-2022)

mock approach - 3 (14-10-2022)

story vocab and comprehension -1 (17-10-2022)

story vocabs and comprehension -2 (19-10-2022)

editorial understanding -1 (21-10-2022)

editorial understanding - 2 (22-10-2022)

meme vocabs - 1 (23 - 10 - 2022)

meme vocabs 2 + live parajumble (25 - 10 - 2022)

meme vocabs 4+ sentence splitting (28 oct 2022)

meme vocabs 5 + sentence splitting (29 oct 2022)

connectors - practice questions (2 nov 2022)

sbi live test correction (3 nov 2022)

story vocab-1 (5 nov 2022)

story vocab-2 (6 nov 2022)

english vocab test (100 qs) (10/11/2022) Take Test

sbi clerk memory based question - live test (17/11/2022)

sbi 2022 memory based + vocab revision (18/11/2022)

ibps po sectional+ vocab revision (22/11/2022)

English Vocabulary
10 Videos

vocab test 1 Take Test

vocab test 2 Take Test

vocab test 3 Take Test

vocab test 4 Take Test

vocab test 5 Take Test

vocab test 6 Take Test

vocab test 7 Take Test

vocab test 8 Take Test

vocab test 9 Take Test

vocab test 10 Take Test

SBI Clerk Mains
45 Videos

live mains mock | approach and strategy -1 (20 - 10 - 2022)

mains mock -1 class (5/10/2022)

mains fillers and colums (4 nov 2022)

ibps po mains mock correction -1 (8/11/2022)

error spotting - mains (9.10.2022)

ibps po mains mock correction -2 (9/11/2022)

error spotting mains -2 (11.10.2022)

ibps po mains mini mock (10/11/2022)

vocab revision + po mains correction (11/11/2022)

ibps po mains sectional live mock

sectional mock correction+ vocab revision (16/11/2022)

sbi/ ibps mains error questions (23/11/2022)

ibps po full mock (24/11/2022)

editorial understanding (29/11/2022)

editorial continued (30/11/2022)

sbi po mock corrections (2/12/2022)

sbi po mains correction 1 (4/12/2022)

modals (6/12/2022)

models - 2 (7/12/2022)

editorial understanding (8/12/2022)

sbi po live mock (1/12/2022)

editorial understanding - 2 (9/12/2022)

idioms and phrases (11/12/2022)

editorial understanding 3

idioms and phrases 2 + vocab revision (14/12/2022)

critical reasoning+ vocab revision (15.12.2022)

critical reasoning+ vocab revision - 2 Take Test

mains story vocabs Take Test

mains story vocabs 2 Take Test

critical reasoning

critical reasoning 2

mains story vocabs 3

messi editorial


critical reasoning

critical reasoning - sbi clerk mains

sbi clerk mains mock

editorial understanding

editorial continued

sbi clerk mains memory based paper

sbi clerk mock approach

hero test correction

hero test correction 2

idioms revision

modals revision
